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After a long wait a limber arrived at the station to take ourselves and our valises to the camp of the 7th N.F. at Ouderdom. It was not really a very long journey, I believe, but it seemed so to us after our long and wearisome journey in the train. To make matters worse the military police made us take a roundabout road, and the driver lost his way.

He looked ahead and saw the man with the heavy beard leap to the ground. "Guess your man is going to run for the Park!" cried the taxicab driver. "Hold on I want my money first, young fellow!" Dick had leaped to the ground, bent on catching the fleeing individual. He pulled some bills from his pocket. "Here is five dollars wait for me!" he cried. "Or maybe you had better come along.

Bibbs gazed steadfastly at the workmen; he knew that his father kept looking back as he went toward the carriage, and that was a thing he did not want to see. But after a little while there were no sounds of wheels or hoofs on the gravel, and Bibbs, glancing up, saw that every one had gone. A coupe had been left for him, the driver dozing patiently.

Just as the driver had dismounted from his seat and was about to open the door, the Alms House van came tumbling along the pavement and into the court with another freight of misery.

There are several other public houses, but of these two the author can speak approvingly from personal experience. An unusual scene, which transpired on the esplanade near the Galle Face Hotel, occurs to us at this writing: One of the bullock gigs, so common in Colombo, stopped suddenly before that hostelry. The driver, who had jumped to the ground, was examining the animal with much surprise.

There had been a little argument with the van driver who, it turned out, had ideas of his own about modifying Trigger's plans a complication she'd run into frequently in her school days too. As usual, it didn't develop into a very serious argument.

Happily she had not long to wait; Orion arrived in his mother's four- wheeled covered chariot. By the side of the driver sat a servant, and a slave was perched on the step to the door on each side of the vehicle. It was followed by a few idlers, men and women, and a crowd of half-naked children.

The machine of its own accord will climb up now and then; it requires all the vigilance of a law-abiding driver to keep it in the mud, where it is so unwilling to travel.

"I didn't believe you would come alone, and we were fools to do so, for we could have fought it out right here," grumbled the driver, greatly disappointed at his not carrying out his suddenly determined upon plot. The road-agent then took the bag, opened it, ran over the gold like one who knew its value, and then said: "Yes, there is the amount here, no more, no less.

It will at least be news to you, that when I returned your civil visit, the driver of my cab commented on the size, the taste, and the comfort of your home. It would have been news certainly to myself, had any one told me that afternoon that I should live to drag such a matter into print.