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I'd ring in right here a bit of advice to my girl readers: Don't ever try to convert a man I mean one who drinks by marrying him, for in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred you won't succeed. In my case I was young and did not care how the wind blew. I stayed out nights and neglected my home, but I must say, bad as I was, I never hit my wife.

"Go on, Sam," she said, with kindly encouragement; "how much does this jug hold, Jack?" "Quart," replied her brother. "How many quarts are there in a gallon?" "Four." Miss Nugent looked troubled. "I heard father say he drinks gallons a day," she remarked; "you'd better fill all the jugs, Ann." "It was only 'is way o' speaking," said Mr. Wilks, hurriedly; "the cap'n is like that sometimes."

Now, looking him over as he climbed into the car, unusually red in the face, breathing out the aroma of spirits through his little, pinched nostrils, a faint sensation of disgust came over the senior member of the firm as though the junior member were physically unclean. "That's about ten drinks since luncheon," he remarked, as the car rolled on down Fifth Avenue.

And as they imbibed beer ever more gluttonously and he quaffed more shots of whiskey, becoming the sensation of an entity aflame, the substance of fire, he became conscious that he would be the one who would pay for all these drinks. Thus his hand began to flounder into various pockets for his wallet until finding it in his shirt pocket but with nothing inside its dark brown lining.

Pearl barley largely contains starch and mucilage, and makes an excellent soothing and refreshing draught in fevers and gastric inflammations. NOURISHING DRINKS. These are useful when liquid nourishment is better suited to the invalid's condition than solid food.

M. Saval accepted the invitation with enthusiasm, reflecting: "I shall have time enough to see Henri VIII." Both of them had finished their meal. The notary insisted on paying the two bills, wishing to repay his neighbor's civilities. He also paid for the drinks of the young fellows in red velvet; then he left the establishment with the painter.

Certes, said the king, we ought to thank our Lord Jesu greatly for that he hath shewed us this day, at the reverence of this high feast of Pentecost. Now, said Sir Gawaine, we have been served this day of what meats and drinks we thought on; but one thing beguiled us, we might not see the Holy Grail, it was so preciously covered.

Again, he has ventured to reproach Antony for a little kind of banquet, because he, as he says, drinks water, his purpose being to sit up at night and compose speeches against us, though he brings up his son in such drunkenness that the latter is sober neither night nor day.

"Your bags are unpacked, sir," he reported. Then he told Rand where he would find his things, and where the bath was. There was a brief discussion of drinks. The butler received his instructions and went down the stairway; Rand broke up the feminine formation around him and ushered the ladies ahead of him into the gunroom. It was much as he remembered it from his visit of two years before.

They went to a cafe frequented by men with smooth faces and shifty eyes, and sat at their drinks. "I'm glad I come across you, mister," said Haylocks. "How'd you like to play a game or two of seven-up? I've got the keerds." He fished them out of Noah's valise a rare, inimitable deck, greasy with bacon suppers and grimy with the soil of cornfields. "Bunco Harry" laughed loud and briefly.