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"You say yes?" "I do." No sooner had she given the promise than she fell back in a fainting state. "What dreadful thing drives her to say this, father, when it is such a pain to her?" asked Elizabeth, kneeling down by Lucetta. "Don't compel her to do anything against her will! I have lived with her, and know that she cannot bear much." "Don't be a no'thern simpleton!" said Henchard drily.

But still I would rather you had saved me than any one else who wasn't bound, like Tynie, to do so." "Well, it did seem absurd that you should risk so much to keep a sixpenny umbrella," he rejoined, drily. "How we play on the surface while there's so much that is wearing our hearts out underneath," she responded, wearily. "Listen, Ian, you know what I mean.

"It appears, Master Jack, that you have turned philosopher as well as your brothers. Can you tell me what causes lightning?" "Yes, I can, Willis. You must know, in the first place, that all the layers of the atmosphere are, more or less, charged with electricity." "Ask him how," said Fritz drily. "Ah, you hope to puzzle me," replied Jack, "but thanks to Mr.

The Baron of Bradwardine being asked what he thought of these recruits, took a long pinch of snuff, and answered drily, 'that he could not but have an excellent opinion of them, since they resembled precisely the followers who attached themselves to the good King David at the cave of Adullam; VIDELICET, every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, which the Vulgate renders bitter of soul; and doubtless, he said 'they will prove mighty men of their hands, and there is much need that they should, for I have seen many a sour look cast upon us.

"Got a kris through his shoulder, and thought it was poisoned." "What, the kris? Oh, no. That is nonsense. Our people don't poison their krises and limbings. The Sakais poison their arrows." "The whiches?" said Bob. "The Sakais the wild people of the hills and jungle. Naked wear no clothes." "Yes," said Bob drily. "I knew naked meant wearing no clothes.

Thank your heaven that you men are not half so complex." "My dear friend," said Hamilton, drily, "you women are not half so complex as men. You may lay claim to a fair share because your intelligence is above the average, but that is the point complexity is a matter of intelligence, and as men are, as a rule, far more intelligent than women, with far more densely furnished brains "

If he married Sira he'd have the backing of the monarchists, and of course he's done a lot for the bosses. They'd elect him to head off the monarchists, anyway. Then heigh-ho for a war with the Earth, to kill off a lot of the kickers and soft pickins in a lot of ways. Neat, huh?" "Very neat!" Sime assented drily. "But we won't live to see it. Anyway, I won't.

Kirk said: "I can't see you, because I can't see anything." After a pause, the voice said, "Forgive me." But indeed, at first glance, the grave shadowed beauty of Kirk's eyes did not betray their blindness. "Are you one of the enchanted things, or a person?" Kirk inquired. "I might say, now, that I am enchanted," said the voice, drily. "I don't think I quite know what you mean," Kirk said.

Here's the fellow that's got the prize in the lottery; here's the fortunate youth." "I don't know what you are driving at," Huxter said, who had been much puzzled as the above remarks passed between his two companions. "Perhaps not," said Bows, drily. "Mrs. H. sent me here to look after you, and to see that you brought that little message to Mr.

"We should naturally expect France's sympathy," he said. "France," proclaimed Tellier, raising his chin proudly, "is always on the side of justice and decency." "More especially," continued the Prince, drily, "when the Emperor of Germany happens to be on the other side. Come now, confess if the Emperor were for us, you would be against us is it not so?"