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In the old Revolutionary phrase, they must wait "till they saw the whites of their eyes." On came the long lines, still as steady and precise in movement as if upon holiday drill. Not a rifle-shot was heard. Neither side had artillery at this point, and no roar of cannon broke the strange silence. The awaiting boys in gray grew eager and impatient and had to be kept in restraint by their officers.

The boy was distinguished both by his brilliant ability and by his immense self-esteem. He was first both in his studies especially in mathematics, of which he was particularly fond and also in drill and in riding. Though of more than average height, he was handsome and agile, and he would have been an altogether exemplary cadet had it not been for his quick temper.

You know, gentlemen, that I served the Piedmont regiment and had the honor of being a sergeant?" "Yes." "Well, one day when no one could drill a mob of citizens, who began to march, some with the right foot, others with the left, I succeeded, I did, in making them all begin with the same foot, and I was made lieutenant on the spot."

"No, not yet; but the Ripplemouth people are going to ask your father to help them make a fort on the cliff over the harbour, and they're going to get some guns from Bristol." "What nonsense!" I said. "Here, I'm going over to the Gap; will you come?" "No, I don't want to come to the old lead pump and see your father's people make the water muddy. What are you going to do?" "Sword drill." "Oh!

Oh, Helen, if I could watch these tropic stars with you to-night! January 6. I think I am through with the cave under the point the Cavern of the Two Arches, I have named it. It is a dangerous place to work in alone, and my little skiff has been badly battered several times. But I peered into every crevice in the walls, and sounded the sands with a drill.

Each lad believes that at any moment he may be called home to fight this long-time enemy of Greece. With such a genuine motive at hand, it seemed mere affectation to deny the use of our boys' club building and gymnasium for organized drill, although happily it forms but a small part of the activities of the Greek Educational Association.

He did not set himself up above the rest in consequence of what he had done and the applause he had gained, but the moment the drill was over he became like one of the rest, and took his hat, or his fishing-rod, or his hoop though, by the by, he was getting rather out of hoops and went off shouting and laughing with all the merry throng. The greatest possible change was worked in Ellis.

The most self-reliant, self-governing man is always under discipline: and the more perfect the discipline, the higher will be his moral condition. He has to drill his desires, and keep them in subjection to the higher powers of his nature.

They went out again to the backyard of an old saloon where a great block of granite was embedded and while their admirers looked on they practiced their turn, for they had never worked together. A Cornish miner, a champion in his day, volunteered to be their coach and at each call of: "Change!" they shifted from drill to hammer without breaking the rhythm of their stroke.

Webb and Truscott, if consulted, would have named a far better instructor among their lieutenants, but Colonel Whaling issued the order from post headquarters, and there was nothing for it but obey. Gleason lent his best efforts to the work, and he and his drill sergeants were ceaseless in their squad instruction.