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As the National lines were drifting back toward the landing, Colonel Webster, of General Grant's staff, gathered all the artillery within reach Major Cavender's six twenty-pounders, Silversparre's twenty-pound Parrotts, and some light batteries on a commanding position from a quarter to half a mile from the landing. Immediately above the landing a wide and deep ravine opens to the river.

As night deepened, the far-off booming of the fog-bell on the headland at intervals stirred the thick air. Hard by the shore of the bay, and half hidden by a drifting sand-hill, stood a low nondescript structure, to whose composition sea and shore had equally contributed. It was built partly of logs and partly of driftwood and tarred canvas.

And so it proved when Allen went up on deck and held a short talk with an officer aboard the trim cutter, which had come to a stop alongside the motor boat and drifting schooner. Will, left behind at the cottage with Mrs. Nelson and Grace, had suddenly thought to send the cutter Minoa to follow up the Pocohontas.

As soon as the boats were on board, the revenue cutter made all sail after the smuggler, paying no attention to the yacht, and either not seeing or not caring about the boat which was drifting about in West Bay. Here we are, Corbett, and now I only wish my venture had been double, observed Pickersgill; 'but I shall not allow business to absorb me wholly we must add a little amusement.

Is this land a dream? ... Am I myself a dream, and thou the only manifest sweet Truth in a world of drifting shadows! ... Speak to me, gentle Saint! ... In what vast mystery have I been engulfed? ... in what timeless trance of soul- bewilderment? ... in what blind uncertainty and pain? ... O Sweet! ... resolve my wordless wonder!

But her sister only laughed and waved her out of the room, and Hope walked away frowning in much perplexity. The visit to the city was imitated on the three succeeding evenings by similar excursions. On one night they returned to the plaza, and the other two were spent in drifting down the harbor and along the coast on King's yacht.

But, in spite of her resolution to avoid the subject, Dolly could not help drifting back to Ralph Gowan. "Griffith," she said, plaintively, "you are very jealous of him." "I know that," he answered. "But don't you know," in desperate appeal, "that there is n't the slightest need for you to be jealous of anybody?" "I know," he returned, dejectedly, "that I am a very wretched fellow sometimes."

This was the rebuilding of the depot. The small heaps in which the cases were piled proved unsatisfactory, as the passages between the different piles offered a fine site for snow-drifts. All the cases were now taken out and laid in two long rows, with sufficient intervals between them to prevent their offering resistance to the drifting snow. This work was carried out in two days.

She usually asked about one hundred friends to visit her for an indefinite time, and of this number perhaps half availed themselves of the privilege, drifting in upon her at any time, remaining only while the spirit moved, and departing unceremoniously, perhaps, if the hostess chanced to be away at the moment, with no farewells at all, when any pleasanter prospect offered. Mrs.

Then he was whirling in darkness; and he knew no more. THE night was as a blank to Hare; the morning like a drifting of hazy clouds before his eyes. He felt himself moving; and when he awakened clearly to consciousness he lay upon a couch on the vine-covered porch of a cottage. He saw August Naab open a garden gate to admit Martin Cole.