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My job is to find her, and, when I do, I guarantee I shall never lose sight of her." "Good!" cried Jack. "Now, if you can fix it up with Captain Dreyfuss, we are ready to go with you." "Would you like to accompany me?" asked the commander of the Sylph. The lads signified their assent. An hour later they were all seated in Captain Dreyfuss' cabin aboard the Marie Theresa.

You are American." "You are right," said Frank, and turned away. Suddenly Captain Dreyfuss' voice rang out on the bridge. Instantly all became bustle and confusion. The Marie Theresa was about to get under way. Not yet having been assigned to their duties, Jack and Frank stood a little to one side. Slowly the big battle cruiser got under way.

"By Jove! ejaculated Jack suddenly, struck with a sudden idea. "Why cannot we go with you, Captain Dreyfuss." "Go with me?" echoed the commander of the Marie Theresa. "Yes," cried Frank, falling in with the idea at once. "May we, captain?" The captain mused silently for some time. "It would be very irregular," he said at length.

The first German cruiser turned to run, but, by a quick maneuver, Captain Dreyfuss plowed into her as she turned. The sharp prow of the Marie Theresa crashed into the German amidships, and so terrific was the impact that the French ship recoiled. But it was the death-blow of the German cruiser. Men leaped into the small boats and put off from the ship, or flung themselves head first into the sea.

"I should say we would!" declared Frank decisively. "Well," said Lord Hastings, "I have no doubt that it can be arranged. I shall speak to Captain Dreyfuss at once." "Is Lieutenant Hetherington alive?" asked Jack suddenly. "No," replied Lord Hastings sadly, "we three are the sole survivors of the Sylph." "But what are you doing in these waters?" demanded Frank.

"It shall be done," he said; "and, I may say that I shall be glad of your company. I will have you shown your quarters. As it happens, I am short handed. I shall see that your crew is set ashore and given passage for London." At his signal a young midshipman entered the cabin and came to attention. "I place these young men in your charge," Captain Dreyfuss said to him.

I have called you two lads to ask if you would like to undertake a dangerous task?" "Yes, sir," replied Jack quietly. "We shall be only too glad," said Frank eagerly. "Well, then," continued, Captain Dreyfuss, "I believe that by a quick and silent dash you may be able to board her. If You are successful in getting aboard, your first duty will be to prevent the firing of one of the big guns.

"And these are the two lads you are asking me to give up to you, eh?" he said severely. "Well," replied Lord Hastings, "I certainly should like to have them back again. But, of course, if you do not give your consent " Captain Dreyfuss interrupted him with a wave of the hand, and turned to the boys. "And what do you say, sirs?" he demanded. "Have you not been treated well aboard my ship?"

Suddenly, at a subdued cry from forward, the Marie Theresa came to a halt. "Vessel of some sort dead ahead," the word was passed along. A moment later a voice of command rang out: "Pass the word for Mr. Chadwick and Mr. Templeton." "Wonder what's up?" asked Frank, as they made their way to the bridge, where Captain Dreyfuss was standing. "I guess we'll know soon enough," was Jack's reply.