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Alone in the hotel bedroom, Carlisle looked in the mirror of the mahoganized "dresser," occupied in taking off her veil and hat, and thought that Flora ought to be coming back now. Then she sniffed a little and was aware of a memorial smell from the rite.

They do not get up at 6:30. It is at this hour we remember the fragrant drawer in the dresser at home where our clean shirts, and collars and cuffs, and socks and handkerchiefs, are put every week by our wife.

All holes, gashes, dents and cracks were turned back or down to deceive the beholder. There were few whole pieces on the dresser. "Great guns, Mary," I exclaimed, "here are two new plates and a new cup! Well, well, and you never said a word in any of your letters about them." "Ye needn't get huffed if we don't tell ye all the startlin' things!" Mary said. "Ah!" I exclaimed, "there's her cup!"

I could bear the gloom no longer, but made up the fire till the light danced ruddy across pewter and porcelain on the dresser.

The officer laughed and I think the other cups laughed also, but they were not contemptuous; they were simply jealous. Leisurely I went over the dresser, noting the new chips and cracks, handling them, maybe fondling some of them and putting them as I found them. "I'll jist take a cup o' tay," Jamie said, "I'm not feelin' fine."

The intelligent vine dresser will tie his young canes, away from the bearing wood as much as he can, to give the fruit the fullest ventilation; but when they have reached the top of the trellis, tie them along it and let them ramble as they please. They will thus form a natural roof over the fruit, keep off all injurious dews, and shade the grapes from above.

Marie took with her to the convent, under the canvas lining of her trunk, the results of a laborious and satisfying morning on Frank's part; no less than a dozen photographs of himself, taken in a dozen different love-lorn attitudes. There was a little round photograph for her watch-case, photographs for her wall and dresser, and even long narrow ones to be used as bookmarks.

As the clothes became more numerous and better in quality, he talked less about socialism and more about society. The Investor's Monthly interested him: he spoke of becoming its managing editor, hinting at his influence with Carson; and when the doctor jeered, Dresser offered him a position on the paper.