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"When I came in, Charles that's the waiter told me there was a young gentleman in the bar parlour waiting to see me. I went into the parlour, and saw the young man sitting near the door. He looked very tired and weary, and said he wished to stay at the inn for the night." "How was he dressed?" asked Superintendent Galloway, looking up from his note-book.

She had come to Fair Oaks some fifteen years previous to this time, dressed in deep mourning, accompanied by her infant son, about three years of age, and it was generally understood that she was distantly related to Mr. Mainwaring.

But being ill-used by the above-mentioned widow, he was very serious for a year and a half; and though, his temper being naturally jovial, he at last got over it, he grew careless of himself, and never dressed afterwards.

This hideous specimen of decaying vice, trotting in red heels for Valerie dressed the man as beseemed his income, his cross, and his appointment horrified Crevel, who could not meet the colorless eyes of the Government clerk. Marneffe was an incubus to the Mayor.

Since the probate of his father's will both sisters were of the number never spoken to. He was a thin, tall, sullen, dry, and dusty man. Dressed for church of a Sunday, he looked as if he had been stored a year in some neglected cellar. His broadcloth had a dingy aspect, his hair and beard and eyebrows the hue of a cobweb. He had a voice slow and rusty, a look arid and unfruitful.

They saw the women, and ran to them. One of the men was a labourer; the other, better dressed, looked like a foreman of works. He was the first who arrived on the spot. "Enough to frighten you out of your senses, ladies," he said civilly. "It's a case of suicide, I should say, by the look of it." "For God's sake, let us do something to help him!" Iris burst out. "I know him! I know him!"

Soon he had promised to pay two thousand pounds if the Ambler lost, and received the assurance of eminent gentlemen, quietly dressed, that they would pay him fifteen hundred if the Ambler won. The odds now stood at two to one on, and he had found it impossible to back the Ambler for "a place," in accordance with his custom.

My father thought that the proceeds in money did not equal the decrease in stock, and so it proved for the next Sunday morning when I dressed for meeting I found a two dollar bill in my trousers' pocket. That night we spent with Captain Hyde, at Newton Corner.

At night they lie without any covering, under the open sky, near a great fire, so near indeed as to be sometimes covered by the hot ashes. The women whom I have seen were either dressed in linen shifts reaching to their feet, or in plaited mats.

The next morning, as soon as I was dressed, I sent for Capitani, and commanded him to proceed every day to Cesena, to go to the best coffee-house, to learn carefully every piece of news and every rumour, and to report them to me. Franzia, who had faithfully obeyed my orders, returned before noon from the city with all the articles I had asked for.