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It was getting da-a-rk so she could hardly see the path. Then all at once she saw a bright light ahead of her. It got brighter and brighter and it came from a little cabin in the woods." And in the happy land of 'make believe' Anne roamed until the tea-bell called her back to the real world. Where, meanwhile, were Anne's old friends, Miss Drayton and Pat?

Now she's broken down, and she seems to worry for fear they will not take her back again at the hotel." "I must go to see her," declared Vane. "But won't you and Drayton come with us and have dinner?" Drayton explained that this was out of the question; Kitty's employer, who had driven in that afternoon, was waiting with his team.

When the summer had faded into autumn, Ashurst had not yet recovered from the social earthquake of discovering that it had the scandal of an unhappy marriage within its decorous borders. There had been nothing which had so shaken the foundation of things since Gertrude Drayton had run away with her dancing-master, who, it was more than suspected, had left a wife in France.

The question of his collaboration is a difficult one to settle, but leading critics have picked out the gold and rejected the dross, and their analyses prove that Shakespeare's part in these works was not predominant. =MICHAEL DRAYTON In the National Portrait Gallery.

"We know that," Weiss answered. "We know even in whose hands it is." Phineas Duge looked up inquiringly. "Norris Vine has it," Weiss continued. "We have offered him a million, but he declines to sell. He would have used it for his paper before now, and we should have been on the other side of the ocean, but for the fact that John Drayton advised him not to. Now he has taken it with him to London.

"I wish I could tell. I do wish I could," moaned Anne. Entreaty and command were in vain. "We shall have to let the matter rest for the present," said Miss Drayton, at last. "It has overtaxed my sister's strength." "Never mind me," protested Mrs. Patterson. "I am troubled only for the child's sake. Oh, there must be some reasonable, right explanation of it all!"

After three days' waiting and fruitless search, the superintendent wired Latrobe's uncle and best friend, old General Drayton, and that was the last seen or heard of "Pat." In the spring and ahead of time his class was graduated without him, for the war with Spain was on. In the spring an irate and long-tried father was upbraiding another only son for persistent failures at college.

A long stride carries us to the latter years of Queen Elizabeth, where, and in the ensuing reign of James, we find the names of Edmund Spenser, Samuel Daniel, and Michael Drayton interwoven with the bays.

"Now I lay me down to sleep" there followed silence. Indeed, she remained so long on her knees that Miss Drayton whispered to Mrs. Patterson a warning against standing and Vaughan moved to get a chair. The whisper brought Anne to her feet. "I oughtn't kept you waiting," she said; and then she explained shamefacedly, "I wasn't saying my prayers for good.

Old Michael Drayton, whose portrait has descended to us, surmounted with an exuberant twig of bays, is vulgarly classed with the legitimate Laureates. Southey, pardonably anxious to magnify an office belittled by some of its occupants, does not scruple to rank Spenser, Daniel, and Drayton among the Laurelled: