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I was up long before Drayton. I had secured Browne's confidences before the sun had been risen an hour. 'I've had a sort of miserable ague, he said. 'A cold and hot fever has been plaguing me. Some part of this last night has been savagely horrible. But I've sweated pounds of my weight away, and my fever's gone. Strange, isn't it?

"He's getting a good-looking young man and he's all for bettering himself. Well, he went and got his photo taken at Drayton and brought them in to show his mother. She was making jam at the time, and she's not an easy tongue at the best o' times. 'What's that? she says; 'you don't mean to say that's a likeness o' thee?

He tossed the letter aside, and their eyes met. "It would look like defeat." So Nevill Tyson had left his wife. This was the most exciting act in the drama that had entertained Drayton Parva for two years. He had brought down the house. Presently it seemed that Drayton Parva was not unprepared for the catastrophe.

"My death will be upon your head, Harriet," observed her brother with such a sigh of resignation that Peggy could not help but laugh. "I do wish John Drayton were here." So with jest and laughter the family lingered over the meal, as if loath to make further exertion in the growing heat.

Nevill Tyson that Drayton Parva had been much concerned on her account; and she asked to see the baby. The next instant she was sorry she had done so, for Tyson, who had continued to be charming, went out of the room when the baby came in. The child was laid in Mrs. Nevill Tyson's lap, and she looked at it with a gay indifference. "Isn't he a queer thing?" said she.

He repeated the conversation between Pat and himself about Anne. "And you did not tell him where Anne is?" asked Miss Drayton. "Certainly not," replied Mr. Patterson. "His manner was disrespectful. If he had asked properly, I should have answered him. Of course I had no objection to telling him." "Ah," murmured Miss Drayton.

In the evening a favourable opportunity offered to me of attempting at least to know what I wished to know, for every one played at Cards but Mrs Evelyn, My Mother, Dr Drayton, Miss Grenville and myself, and as the two former were engaged in a whispering Conversation, and the Doctor fell asleep, we were of necessity obliged to entertain each other.

"Have you seen the lady of whom you speak, Drayton?" asked Robert Dale abruptly. "Often, major." Drayton laughed merrily. "There is not much love lost betwixt us, either, although I owe much to her for rescuing me from an exceedingly embarrassing position. She would not let me thank her because, she informed me, that what she did was for Peggy. Now what doth she want, Peggy?"

"I will go to-morrow and get this child from the asylum," he said. "Suppose you let me go with Pat," suggested Miss Drayton. "And, brother, talk to him. Explain matters." But he shook his head. "There is nothing for me to explain. You and I misunderstood things. I am sorry we did not know all this at first. Then we would have acted differently. But it is not for Pat to judge my course.

John Drayton sat down and accepted the cigar which Weiss passed him. "Sure," he said, "I'll be very pleased to join in; but you are a rash man, Weiss, to refer to me, for you know very well my sympathies are with Mr. Vine here.