United States or Mali ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Mrs. Carroll had indeed wondered, between fits of laughter, in her sweet drawl, if they ought to destroy the furniture, as it could not be said, strictly speaking, to belong to them to destroy, but she was promptly vetoed by all the others in merry chorus. "They are too hideous to live," said Ina; "they ought to be burned. It is our plain duty to burn them."

The captain was still at the helm; he had never spoken a word either to me or any of the crew, since he had taken the trifling liberty of shooting me through the neck, and no thanks to him that the wound was not mortal; but he now resumed his American accent, and began to drawl out the necessary orders for repairing damages.

Secretary of Legation, take half the time to eat that you do to drawl out your words, chew your food half as much as you do your filthy tobacco, and you'll be well in a month. "'I don't understand such language, said Alden. I guess if it had been me," said Mr.

And even now when the blinds are drawn and we pull up our chairs closer round the wood fire, what time travellers tell to awestruck stay-at-homes tales of adventure in distant lands, even now if by a lucky chance Norway is mentioned, I tap the logs carelessly with the poker and drawl, "I suppose you didn't happen to stay at Vossvangen? I left a malacca cane there once. Rather a good one too."

After an hour's talk Dennis said: "I will give you fifty dollars a month and board and lodging for the lad." Mrs. Manning flushed with relief. Jim, who had not said a word since coming into the house, spoke suddenly in his father's own drawl: "I don't want anyone to give me my keep.

I have not been thinking of the evening. 'So intent upon your book? 'Ye-e-es, replied Bella, with a drawl of indifference. 'A love story, Miss Wilfer? 'Oh dear no, or I shouldn't be reading it. It's more about money than anything else. 'And does it say that money is better than anything?

"I wouldn't do that if I was you," he said, and he spoke in a sort of drawl, but there didn't seem to be any drawl in his cool, gray eyes. In spite of his condition Dorgan appeared to realize this, for he paused uncertainly.

Some one else remarked, with a slightly impertinent drawl, that he did not believe Miss L'Estrange would consider it a liberty. A flash from Lord Arleigh's dark eyes silenced him. A few minutes afterward Lord Arleigh found the Duchess of Aytoun and Philippa seated underneath a large acacia-tree. Captain Gresham, a great favorite in the London world, was by Philippa's side.

The trail ends right here. You quit. You sit there ready to kill. But I'm just as ready as you are. You'll quit, or I'll kill you!" He waited, watching Tom. Tom, watching Lance, got up and faced him cold-eyed, unafraid, weighing not chances, but values rather. "You'd kill me, would you!" he asked, his voice matching the drawl of Lance. "Sure, I'd kill you!" Lance smiled back.

He was smooth-shaven save for the silken, white, throat beard that came out from under his collar. His head was bald on top with soft, silvered locks over each ear. He was a picturesque and appealing figure. They called on him to speak. He stepped forward and said slowly in a high-pitched drawl: "Gentlemen, this is my speech: On your second ballot vote for Abraham Lincoln of Illinois."