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'What matter? Why, the honour of Havant, quoth he. 'Is that no matter? But you are right, he continued, draining off his horn. 'What is all this village life with its small successes to such as you? You are as much out of your place as a vintage wine at a harvest supper. The whole of broad England, and not the streets of Havant, is the fit stage for a man of your kidney.

The Baltimore School of Fishery and other technical training places, the piers and harbours on the Irish Coast, the system of light railways, and the draining of rivers and reclamation of waste lands, are all supported out of the Imperial Exchequer. The Board of Works alone has been the medium of lending almost five millions of money on easy terms under the Land Improvement Acts in the country.

The draining of the slaves, he continued, would bring compensation in an inflow of white settlers only when the removal of slave labor had become virtually complete and had brought in consequence the most extreme prostration of land prices and of the incomes of the still remaining remnant of the original population.

At the same time, the flattened Silpha, the glistening, slow-trotting Cellar-beetle, the Dermestes, powdered with snow upon the abdomen, and the slender Staphylinus, all, whence coming no one knows, hurry hither in squads, with never-wearied zeal, investigating, probing and draining the infection. What a spectacle, in the spring, beneath a dead Mole!

I had no sooner given up my former Project, but my Head was presently full of draining Fens and Marshes, banking out the Sea, and joining new Lands to my Country; for since it is thought impracticable to encrease the People to the Land, I fell immediately to consider how much would be gained to the Prince by encreasing the Lands to the People.

About us in all directions towered huge monuments of apoplectic wealth teeming hives, draining the honey from each bee, tearing from thousands their best years, their finest endeavors, their very hearts' blood all to swell the wealth of a bloated few! And we, the drones, sat mildewing in the little open space below!

He said that if there was a plan for draining a city at a cost of a million, by seeking the level of the water in the down-hill course of the sewers, blaring would come with a plan to drain that town up-hill at twice the cost and carry it through the Common Council without opposition.

The demand for repayment, and with something of evasiveness or reticence in the old fellow's manner, greatly troubled Dale. Not at all from selfish motives; but because it confirmed a suspicion that he had long entertained. Although invisible locally, disgraced and hiding somewhere at a distance, that blackguardly son was probably still draining the good old man's resources.

"What say you, Langdon?" he continued, whirling round upon a man on whose blue flannel shirt shone a star and whose belt gave back the glint of nickel. Langdon gave a laugh and shrugged his shoulders before draining the flask in his hand. "This is my friend," said Eagle Eye, extending one arm above the little girl and resting it on the eldest brother's shoulder.

"Shall I go away, father?" asked the lad, as he saw how serious his father looked. "No, my boy, no. You are getting old enough now to think seriously; and this draining business will be more for you than for myself better for your children than for you. Mr Marston has some more ugly news about the work." "Ugly news, father?"