United States or Papua New Guinea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"He's reading his paper, and doesn't want to talk." They went down-stairs together and found the room empty. Tembarom turned up the lowered gas, and Little Ann sat down in the cozy-corner with her work-basket on her knee. Tembarom drew up a chair and sat down opposite to her. She threaded a needle and took up one of Jim's new socks. "Now," she said. "It's like this," he explained.

Haggard and worn, after a sleepless night, Ralph went down-stairs. Heavily upon his young shoulders, he bore the burden of his father's disgrace. Through their kinship, the cowardice and the shirking became a part of his heritage. There was nothing to be done, for he could not raise his hand in anger against his own father.

Thus assured, Mrs. Lee left them, and went down-stairs with a better opinion of the rough Irish girl than she had thought it possible to entertain an hour previous. Left by themselves, the two girls began to form an acquaintance with each other. Two persons more unlike could not have been brought together.

"Billy went to Pete the other day to have him button her shirt-waist up in the back; and yesterday I found her down-stairs in the kitchen instructing Dong Ling how to make chocolate fudge!" William fell back in his chair. "Well, well," he muttered, "well, well! She is a child, and no mistake!" He paused, his brows drawn into a troubled frown. "But, Aunt Hannah, what CAN I do?

But Lois asked them not to go until the Old Year was over; so they waited down-stairs. The old man fell asleep, and it was near midnight when he wakened with a cold touch on his hand. "It's come, father!" He started up with a cry, looking at the new smile in her eyes, grown strangely still. "Call them all, quick, father!"

Lady Morville wishes me to be her little girl's sponsor; I shall go to London on Friday, and on, the next day. 'I am glad they have asked you. Does she write herself? Is she pretty well? 'Yes; she is to go down-stairs in a day or two. 'I am rejoiced that she is recovering so well. Do you know whether she is in tolerable spirits? 'She writes cheerfully. 'How many years is it since I saw her?

Joe Miller never made such a joke as sending it to Bob's will be!" The hand in which he wrote the address was not a steady one; but write it he did, somehow, and went down-stairs to open the street-door, ready for the coming of the poulterer's man. As he stood there, waiting his arrival, the knocker caught his eye. "I shall love it as long as I live!" cried Scrooge, patting it with his hand.

The mother and the rest were down-stairs at the usual Sunday reading and singing, which the father had not felt quite able to bear, and now and then the sound of their voices came up to break the stillness that had fallen on these two. David had been reading, but the light had failed him, and he sat very quiet, thinking that his father had fallen asleep. But he had not.

"Mr. and Mrs. Tubbs?" "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" By this time Father and Mother were galloping down-stairs. They welcomed the Tubbses with yelps of pleasure; the four of them sat in rockers on the grass and talked about the Tubbses' boarders, and the Applebys admired to hear that Uncle Joe now ran the car himself.

Williamson brought up the rear; and down-stairs they went: Mr. Alexander Trott expressing alternately at the very top of his voice either his feigned reluctance to go, or his unfeigned indignation at being shut up with a madman. Mr.