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Of course I thought at once of my collection of paintings, and said: "How much I should like to have a picture of the Empress Dowager as the goddess of mercy!" "I'll paint one for you," said he.

"Is that chosen sponsor of yours coming up for the christening; lawyer Carr?" tartly inquired the dowager from her seat, bringing her face and her turban, all scarlet together, to bear on Hartledon. "He comes up by this evening's train; will be in London late to-night, if the snow allows him, and stay with us until Sunday night," replied Val. "Oh!

That mother, Cecily duchess dowager of York, a princess of a spotless character, was then living: so were two of her daughters, the duchesses of Suffolk and Burgundy, Richard's own sisters: one of them, the duchess of Suffolk walked at his ensuing coronation, and her son the earl of Lincoln was by Richard himself, after the death of his own son, declared heir apparent to the crown.

He was received at Tiefurt, but did not like the dowager duchess: her mind, he reported, was very narrow; nothing interested her but the sensuous.

"I will do whatever you and Mary wish. But I anticipate blindness. I shall not mind very much if I have the light within. There will be the book to solace my age; and after a time I shall not be so helpless." The Dowager came round after all sooner than was expected. The reconciliation was hastened by a letter she received from Mrs. Ilbert congratulating her on her prospective daughter-in-law.

Lincoln, with Lord Lovell and others of his friends, was in exile at the court of the dowager Duchess of Burgundy, sister to Edward IV.; and the son of Clarence a lad of fifteen years of age was a prisoner in the Tower.

"There are those alive to whom, in return for their love to me, I often fondly said I would give my life away. Shall I be their enemy now, and quarrel about a title? What matters who has it? 'Tis with the family still." "What can there be in that little prude of a woman that makes men so raffoler about her?" cries out my Lady Dowager. "She was here for a month petitioning the King.

"'I am not surprised, replied Her Majesty, 'for it must require some time after the bandages have been removed before she can again compress herself into the same proportions, indicating that the Empress Dowager supposed that foreign women slept with their waists bound, just as the Chinese women do with their feet."

But of a sudden, some one came to ask them to go and have their meal. Dowager lady Chia rose to her feet, and enjoined Pao-yue to be careful of himself. She then gave a few directions to the waiting-maids, and resting her weight on lady Feng's arm, and pressing Mrs. Hsueeh to go out first, she, and all with her, left the apartment in a body.

"I have sat in the Strangers' Gallery, and heard your great speakers; I have been in the pit of the opera, and seen your fine ladies; I have walked your streets; I have lounged in your parks, and I say that I can't fall in love with a faded dowager, because she fills up her wrinkles with rouge." "Of what dowager do you speak?" asked the matter-of-fact Audley. "She has a great many titles.