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Gerard Douw was hugely astonished by the nature of Minheer Vanderhausen's communication, but he did not venture to express surprise; for besides the motives supplied by prudence and politeness, the painter experienced a kind of chill and oppression like that which is said to intervene when one is placed in unconscious proximity with the object of a natural antipathy an undefined but overpowering sensation, while standing in the presence of the eccentric stranger, which made him very unwilling to say anything which might reasonably offend him.

Gerard Douw forgetting for the moment her repeated injunctions, in the immediate impulse, stepped from the bedchamber into the other, in order to supply what she desired. "Oh God! do not go, dear uncle," shrieked the unhappy girl and at the same time she sprung from the bed, and darted after him, in order, by her grasp, to detain him.

It was remarkable that the worshipful stranger suffered as little as possible of his flesh to appear, and that during his visit he did not once remove his gloves. Having stood for some moments at the door, Gerard Douw at length found breath and collectedness to bid him welcome, and, with a mute inclination of the head, the stranger stepped forward into the room.

Gerard Douw, forgetting for the moment her repeated injunctions in the immediate impulse, stepped from the bedchamber into the other, in order to supply what she desired. 'O God I do not go, dear uncle! shrieked the unhappy girl; and at the same time she sprang from the bed and darted after him, in order, by her grasp, to detain him.

It did not become me to protest, but I could not keep the dismay from my face, evidently, for Mr. Stewart laughed aloud. "What is it, Douw? Is it not to your liking?" "Y-e-s, sir but she is such a very little girl!" "And the name is so great, eh? She'll grow to it, lad, she'll grow to it. And what kind of a Dutchman are you, sir, who are unwilling to do honor to the greatest of all Dutchmen?

Stewart threatened him with a hiding, and so Tulp wore it on a leather string about his neck. I did not change my name, but continued to be Douw Mauverensen. This was at the wish of both Mr. Stewart and my mother, for the name I bore was an honorable one.

"On the other hand," she took up my words calmly, "you are thinking that I am advantaged by Philip's departure." My face must have showed that I could not deny it. "In some respects," she went on, "yes; in others, no. I am glad to be able to speak freely to you, Douw, for you are nearest to me of all that are left. I do not altogether know my own mind; for that matter, does any one?

Gerard Douw despatched a messenger instantly, and prevailed on his niece to allow him to surrender his bedchamber to her use; he also persuaded her to retire to it at once and to rest; her consent was extorted upon the condition that they would not leave her for a moment. 'Oh that the holy man were here! she said; 'he can deliver me. The dead and the living can never be one God has forbidden it.

But I will draw from my stock only the barest outlines, sufficient to keep in continuity the movement of my story. When we reached Caughnawaga Mr. Cross and his party were waiting for us at the trading store of my godfather, good old Douw Fonda.

'As to my respectability, said the stranger, drily, 'you must take that for granted at present; pester me with no inquiries; you can discover nothing more about me than I choose to make known. You shall have sufficient security for my respectability my word, if you are honourable: if you are sordid, my gold. 'A testy old gentleman, thought Douw; 'he must have his own way.