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"Oh, Ronald, what happiness to be saved by you!" murmured Edda, scarcely conscious of what she was saying, as Morton, followed by Bob Doull, who kept a cautious look-out on every side, returned to the huts. Those words revealed to him what he had scarcely dared to hope. He found old Doull severely hurt, while Colonel Armytage had been unable to follow, in consequence of his former wounds.

Old Doull had warned him of the difficulties to be encountered. He had described the dangers of the approach to the bay, the strength of the forts, and the number of the garrison. This of course only increased the anxiety of Morton and his followers to commence the work in hand. While Morton was still forming his plan, old Doull, hat in hand, came aft.

Glover had insisted on lending him a uniform, jacket, and dirk, till he could obtain a suit of his own. Ronald did not hesitate about accepting the offer; and, as Doull told the boatswain, he looked every inch a midshipman.

The path was steep, and numerous creepers of a tropical vegetation crossed it. In one of these the big Frenchman must have caught his foot; he stumbled, and before he could recover himself young Doull sprung like a tiger on his throat, and held him tight. The ruffian still attempted to retain his hold on Miss Armytage.

"It's the first time that I minds that I ever sailed under that buntin', and I would be sorry to see it often hoisted over my head," he observed to the elder Doull, pointing at it with his thumb half over his shoulder, and a contemptuous sneer on his lips. "I never loved them mounseers, and hopes I never may.

There are not many other names I can remember which I knew at that time." "But do you believe that that was the real name of the child?" asked Morton, for he had heard his father express his belief that the name he bore was not his true one. "That I do not know," answered old Doull.

On rushed Morton; young Doull was by his side. "There's some people with a lady, sir," he exclaimed, making a dash towards a path which led down a dell on one side. There were several men, and Ronald at that moment caught sight of a female dress among them. Morton's quick ear recognised Edda's voice. "Oh, save me! save me!" she cried out.

"And now, my boy, that your foot is on the first ratline, mount upwards by your own exertions. Be thankful to others who help you, but trust to yourself for success." Ronald had got his father to select a little fellow called Bobby Doull, as his boy, whom he had, when he first came on board, taken under his protection. Bobby had been sent to sea from a workhouse.

Ronald begged that Truefitt and Doull might accompany him, a request that was at once granted; and then he put in a word for Glover, and asked if he might have him as a first lieutenant. "Yes, I esteem him; he is a good officer, but I can get a man to fill his place, who will suit me better," was the answer. So it was arranged. Ronald went on board and read his commission.

"It will be pleasant for you to be together, and as the brig has to return immediately, I shall be glad if you like to remain on board. Your son, I doubt not, can put you up." Rolf Morton thanked the captain for his kindness. It was the very thing he wished. He wanted to be for some time with Ronald, and to talk to old Doull and Eagleshay, to ascertain what they knew about his early days.