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Six days later the Persian fleet, in all its grandeur, came up, and Xerxes caused his throne to be set on Mount Ægaleos, above the strait, that he might see the battle. The doubts of the Peloponnesians revived.

'Of this the common instances which I have drawn out of life, are too notorious to require much evidence. If any man doubts the reality of them, or thinks it impossible for a man to be such a bubble to himself, I must refer him a moment to his own reflections, and will then venture to trust my appeal with his own heart.

This girl will drain him of all his nobler fire. 'She shows mighty little of the inclination, said the colonel. 'To you. But when they come together? I know his voice! The colonel protested his doubts of their coming together. 'Ultimately? the baroness asked, and brooded. 'But she will have to see him; and then will she resist him? I shall change one view of her if she does.

Suddenly our doubts were ended, since out of a patch of dense bush which we had passed for it had played the common trick of doubling back on its own spoor appeared the buffalo, a huge bull, that halted on three legs, my bullet having broken one of its thighs.

The young man stared at the deacon as if he had some doubts whether the old man were in his right mind.

Luckily, this note contains only doubts and fears; my other information will be more positive, and will not, I hope, confirm them." "My dear father," said the cardinal, "do not despair. The Lord will not abandon the good cause!" Father d'Aigrigny seemed very little consoled by this assurance.

Was it not absurd to cloud his happiness with the dread of something which would never come? Away with doubts! away with fears! he would revel, for to-night at least, in the joy of his new knowledge. Mrs. Burnham was his mother; was not that beautiful, beautiful? Could he, in his wildest flight of fancy or desire, have ever hoped for more than that?

He fought hard against them, however, and succeeded in dismissing them as unworthy of himself and his friend: he shrank from wronging Mark, even in thought, by believing him capable of such treachery as was implied in these doubts.

His encounter with the priest, however, had driven all doubts from his mind, and that evening he did what he had never done before he openly attacked the Roman Church. "What has it done for you?" he shouted, and his voice rang in the rafters of the warehouse where a hundred or so Negroes had gathered to hear him. "What has it done for you?

Richard's doubts being thus silenced he could not but bring his wife to his lord's rescue, though he well knew that Susan would be greatly disturbed on all accounts, and indeed he found her deep in the ironing that followed the great spring wash, and her housewifely mind was as much exercised as to the effects of her desertion, as was her maternal prudence at the plunge which her unconscious adopted child was about to make.