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But, if this were not to be so; if those, whom we have seen with joy this day communicating with us in the pledges of Christian fellowship, should continue to do so steadily; if, in the meantime, traits shall appear in you in other things that our hope was well founded; if the hatred of evil and the love of good were to be clearly manifest in you; if by signs not to be mistaken by those who watch earnestly for them, we might be assured that your part was taken, that you were striving with us in that service of our common Master, in which we would fain live and die; if evil was clearly lessened among us not laughed at, but discouraged and put down; if instead of those turning away, who have now been with us at Christ's table, others, who have now turned away, should then be added to the number; then we should say, not doubtingly, that you were chosen: that you had tasted of the good things of Christ; that the good work of God was clearly begun in you.

I understand Bays perhaps I should say Mrs. Bays contemplates making the move, and probably you had better withdraw your claim and give the girl a chance." Dic looked doubtingly at his little friend and said, "I think I shall not withdraw." "I have not been expecting you would," answered Billy. "But what are you going to do about the Chief Justice?" "I don't know. What would you do?"

She repeated the name, doubtingly, "Prudence Rae?" "Yes remember now Prudence Rae. You are my little girl Prudence Rae." "But you're not my really papa he's went far off oh, ten ninety miles far!" "No, Prudence God is your Father in heaven, and I am your father on earth " "But not my papa!" "Listen, Prudence do you know what you are?" The puzzled look she had worn fled instantly from her face.

"If you can work magic, why don't you break the enchantment you are under and return to your proper form?" inquired the beast doubtingly. "I haven't the power to do that," answered the Canary, "for Mrs. Yoop, the Giantess who transformed me, used a peculiar form of yookoohoo magic that is unknown to me.

"It may be a bad thing to love, but it's a good thing to have," he said, one day, to the little rector, as this friend stood by him at a corner of the high desk where Richling was posting his ledger. "But not to seek," said the rector. Richling posted an item and shook his head doubtingly. "That depends, I should say, on how much one seeks it, and how much of it he seeks."

With wondering, timid eyes, she came, and for a moment or two looked doubtingly upwards into the brown, handsome face of the skipper, and then nestled beside him. For a minute or so the ticking of the cabin clock broke the silence, ere I ventured to ask the one question uppermost in my mind. "Nerida, how and where did Taplin die?"

"In this case," continued the Judge, "I am desired to ask him a question, which I would ask from no one else, and which nearly sticks in my throat, Will our friend Munter allow that any one any one of us should follow him into his solitude?" "Who would accompany me?" snorted Jeremias grumblingly and doubtingly.

"But I don't think angels are very nice, generally," said Joy, doubtingly. "They preach. Does Peace Maythorne preach? I shan't like her if she does." "Peace preach! Not like her! You'd better know what you're talking about, if you're going to talk," said Gypsy, with heightened color. "Dear me, you take a body's head off. Well, if she should preach, I shall come right home."

With an exclamation of joy the countess pressed her in her arms. "You renounce him, then?" "I have no part in him," said Elise coldly. "He belongs to you; he is bound to you by your disgrace and his crime. Go to him," cried she more violently, as she saw that the countess looked at her doubtingly. "Hasten, for he is waiting for you." "But he will recognize me; he will drive me from him."

Wind there was none, though occasionally a breath of hot air came from the land, like the first efforts of the night-breeze. The heavens were clouded, though a few thoughtful stars glimmered between the masses of vapor. "A calmer night never shut in the Americas!" said the veteran Trysail, shaking his head doubtingly and speaking in a suppressed and cautious tone.