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"It is my turn now, it seems, to say that I do not understand you." The other hesitated; then she remembered the carpenter's words, and began a little doubtfully: "I mean that I do not think that going to church and reading the Bible, and praying, and all that, make any difference. I think we can be good without that don't you, Miss Churton?

Daisy hesitated. Ransom was cutting a pencil vigorously, but as she was silent he looked up. "Why didn't you tell him? did you tell him afterwards?" "Why no, Ransom!" "Well why didn't you? that's what I want to know. Didn't you tell anybody?" "No, of course not." "Why didn't you, then?" "Ransom " said Daisy doubtfully. "What? I think you're turned queer."

He was on confidential terms with the Prince, who invited him to dine upon the 4th September, and caused pensionary Wesenbeck, who was also present, to read aloud the agreement which was that day to be proclaimed at the town-house. Orange expressed himself, however, very doubtfully as to the future prospects of the provinces, and as to the probable temper of the King.

A doctor had been sent for, and by the time Larry was laid, still unconscious, on a cot, the physician had arrived. As he made his examination his face grew more and more serious, and he shook his head doubtfully. "He's pretty badly hurt, I'm afraid," he said. "We must get him to a hospital as soon as possible. I have my car outside, and if some of you will carry him out, I'll take him there."

"Well, I don't know," said Joe, rather doubtfully. "Is that straight goods, about your being a fire-eater?" "I was once. But I'm not looking for that kind of a job now," was the quick answer. "I lost my nerve, I tell you. Handling stakes or driving a wagon would be my limit." "What sort of an act in the fire line did you have?" asked Joe, for a certain idea was beginning to form in his mind.

As for the mine, there seems to be only one hope, which is, to retrace as closely as possible, the route taken by your father before he was shot. May I keep this?" She nodded her assent, and he put it in his pocket. Solange was relieved to be rid of it. "And now," he added, "I must get out of here." "If you need money to pay the fine," began Solange, doubtfully. He shook his head.

Both she and Frances were listening eagerly to this romantic story. Their wildest flights of imagination concerning Miss Connie fell short of the truth, if this was truth. "I don't know, Miss, I don't know," said Mrs. Trott doubtfully. "Turn the young leddy's boots, Bess, don't ye scent the smell o' scorchin'? 'Tis hard on the poor fellow.

"I don't know if that would be quite honest," said Margaret, doubtfully. "A pious fraud a drawing-room comedy," said Barton; "have we rehearsed it enough?" "Now, this is quite perfect," said Barton, when he had been accommodated with a large piece of plum-cake. "This is the very kind of cake which we specially prohibit our patients to touch; and so near dinner-time, too!

He found the old man much revived, and was preparing to mount his chariot to go to the banquet, when the Regent's myrmidons led Pentaur past in front of him. Ameni looked doubtfully at the tall and noble figure of the prisoner, but Pentaur recognized him, called him by his name, and in a moment they stood together, hand clasped in hand.

Directly after some one rapped lightly on the pavement of the yard, and in a few minutes the heavy ironbound oak doors opened and a woman's hand beckoned to the late guest, who glided swiftly along in the narrow line of shadow cast by the house and vanished through the entrance. The moon looked after him doubtfully.