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'It is a nice soft little thing, said Miss Mouse, when she had got it safe in her arms, 'but oh it's going to bite me, and but for fear of hurting it, she would have got rid of master puppy in double-quick time.

The roll-call was put through in double-quick order. Only two lads were missing, a boy named Harrison and another named Leeks. "Here comes Harrison!" cried Harry Blossom, and the boy limped forth from the opposite side of the burning building. "I sprang from the east wing," he explained. "I guess my ankle is sprained."

"There's no fun in an affair of this kind if the other side hasn't even a chance," said Tug; and this appealed to the Lakerim theory of sport. So they all left the gymnasium with its prisoners, and Sawed-Off locked the door firmly behind him. Then they went at a double-quick for Moore's restaurant and the waiting banquet, which, they suspected, was by this time growing cold.

Slowly, very slowly, because of being tired. But perhaps, after all, he was not the man you mean." "Forward, double-quick! We are sure to have him!" shouted the lieutenant for his true rank was that flourishing his cutlass again, and setting off at a wonderful pace, considering his limp. "Five guineas every man Jack of you. Thank you, young mistress most heartily thank you.

The children were roused and dressed quickly, and it did not take us many instants to prepare, the report of two shots, and the tramp of soldiers, cries of "Double-quick," and sound as of cannon moving, rather hastening our movements.

The vanguard of the latter has halted, and has received the order from Pitcairn to load; and you may hear the ring of the ramrods in unison, and then the click of the locks. And yonder comes the rest of the host, at double-quick, the hoarse commands of their officers sounding out of the gloom. What can less than threescore minute-men do against them?

Cumbervale looked at the iron-gray man before him, thought certainly this must be their last meeting and parting on earth, and that therefore he would not cross the patriarch in his humor. "You are very kind. Thank you. I will break a parting bottle of wine with you willingly." In double-quick time the broiled partridges were served, the wine placed, and all was ready for the two men.

At five minutes after two he alighted at the station, where he paid and dismissed the driver. This was all Mr. Carter wanted to know. "You get a fresh horse harnessed in double-quick time," he said, "and drive me to Shorncliffe station." While the horse and fly were being got ready, the detective went into the bar, and ordered a glass of steaming brandy-and-water.

When he reached the kitchen, he found that gentleman waiting for him. "Do you know how to milk?" was his first salutation. "I never learned," said Paul. "Then you'll have to, in double-quick time," was the reply, "for I don't relish getting up so early, and you can take it off my hands." The two proceeded to the barn, where Paul received his first lesson in this important branch of education. Mr.

To the relief of these few came the brigade in double-quick time. But no sooner were they intrenched than the firing on the opposite side of the river became terrific, and the constant roaring of musketry and artillery became appalling. Undismayed, however, stood the little band of veterans, pouring volley after volley into the crossing column. Soon many soldiers fell.