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He wanted to be the Drew Rennie who had no ties anywhere, least of all in Kentucky. Yet not for the world would he have lost that letter, though he did not want to read it again. "Rennie! Double-quick it; the General's askin' for you!" Boyd started up eagerly from his perch on another saddle.

In bitterness Christine said to herself: "A few weeks since this thought would have filled me with delight. Why does it not now?" Silently they drove to the parade-ground. At the sally-port of the distant barracks bayonets were gleaming. There was a burst of martial music, then each class at the Academy four companies came out upon the grassy plain upon the double-quick.

It was this messenger that had brought the teacher to the parsonage on the double-quick. "Dodd" saw his little brother shoot out of the door, and he was in a worse dilemma than ever. Whether to run, or to stay and face it out; to lie some more, or to confess the lie he had already told; these were the things he grew more and more anxious about every minute.

Just at this juncture a stout policeman turned the curve at a double-quick. As he did so, Wickersham rose and slipped away. "What th' devil 'rre ye doin'?" the officer demanded in a rich brogue before he came to a halt. "I'll stop this racket. I'll run ye ivery wan in. I've got ye now, me foine leddy; I've been waitin' for ye for some time." He seized Lois by the arm roughly. "Let her go.

Daylight was making rapid strides, and as the French would soon discover the smallness of our numbers, we should have their whole force down upon us, and we should be cut to pieces or taken prisoners. As soon as I had delivered the order to the marine officer, he gave the word, "March double-quick," and off we set at a pretty smart run.

Before an order could be given the crack of rifles came from the woods, and a few of the hunters were seen bursting from the forest, one by one, and coming at a double-quick up the slope of the glacis. Hamish and O'Flynn were the last. They had been together a little distant from the others. Now and again they had heard the report of firearms, multiplied into something like a volley.

Well, that was what Francis wanted, and grand juries you know what they would have been then and poor Gawdy was strung up in double-quick time; and I've been shown the place he was buried in, on the north side of the church you know the way in that part of the world: anyone that's been hanged or made away with themselves, they bury them that side.

"My feet are chained!" "Get in there, both of you, double-quick!" commanded Garrison, and he herded the Robinsons inside the room, fairly pushing them before him with the gun. Then he saw Dorothy.

That youth was much surprised to find that it was morning, but tumbled out of his cot in double-quick time, and soon the cheerful notes of reveille were ringing out over the camp, on which the sun's rays were now streaming down in that luminary's cheerful morning way.

So much so in its tear-wet simpleness and utter lack of any effort at concealment, that after one quick look at it Betty's hastened pulses ceased to beat at double-quick time. "Tell me, dear," she almost whispered. "Mr. Ffolliott himself does not know and I could not help it. He was kind to me when I was dying of unkindness.