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"Same complaint, I suppose no phones, no lights, no bells," he remarked. "Seems to be," replied Knox. "General condition. Acts as though the main arteries had been cut outside." "Inside bells? House phones?" suggested Darrow. The repair men came in double-quick time and great confidence. They went to work in an assured manner, which soon slackened to a slower bewilderment.

Miraculously, behold, they are not upon the retreat to Suchdol, at double-quick, and in ragged ever-lengthening line; but stand here, keeping rank all night, on the Planian-Kolin upland of the Kamhayek: behold, they have actually beaten Friedrich; for the first time, not been beaten by him. Clearly beaten that Friedrich, by some means or other.

Suddenly he sprang forward and saluted; he was volunteering for some dangerous duty; and then he walked on toward the house. Again he stopped. Apparently he had been promoted now for gallant conduct, for he waved his whip and called out with low, sharp sternness; "Steady, now! Ready; fire!" And then swinging his hat over his head: "Double-quick charge!"

"Then I couldn't stand it," said the girl, "and I should go in for lighting out to Florida double-quick." "And how would you get to Florida?" demanded her mother, severely. "Oh, by the usual conveyance Pullman vestibuled train, I suppose. What makes you so blue, mamma?"

The dismounted Cavalry of Sheridan contested the advance, in order to give Ord and Griffin as much time as possible to form, then, mounting and moving rapidly aside, they suddenly uncovered, to the charging Rebels, Ord's impenetrable barrier of Infantry, advancing upon them at a double-quick!

American troops hurried on the double-quick through the streets of the European quarter, and the sight of the soldiers furnished the first element of reassurance to the white population, whose excitement had been tremendous ever since the alarm of the garrison.

"In a few minutes they had filled the grave up and smoothed it down on the surface, and then, throwing the head into the game-bag, retraced their steps to the fort. Their nerves were by this time worked up to such a pitch of excitement, and their minds filled with such a degree of supernatural horror, that they tripped and stumbled over stumps and branches innumerable in their double-quick march.

The young prince rose to the occasion, and directed several of his nobles to forcibly drag the Earl of March from the apartments of the guilty pair, and in 1330 he became the Earl of Double-Quick March a sort of forced March towards the gibbet, where he was last seen trying to stand on the English climate.

As they passed the Tanner house Gardley drew rein to call to Bud, who hurried out joyfully to greet his friend, his face lighting with pleasure. "Bill, get on your horse in double-quick time and beat it out to camp for me, will you?" said Gardley, as he reached down and gripped Bud's rough young paw. "Tell Jasper Kemp to come back with you and meet me at the station as quick as he can.

But, if you'll let me prescribe for you, I'll put you all straight in double-quick time." "Well, what will you prescribe, Andy?" said the gentleman. "I'll prescribe this." And, as he spoke, he drew from under the counter a bottle labelled "Mrs. 's Cordial." "Take a glass of that, and you can throw your doctor's prescription into the fire." "You speak confidently, Andy?"