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They were half an inch shorter than Phil even the doctor was obliged to confess it. "Bravo! Miss Bright Eyes," said he, catching up Dotty, and whirling her over his shoulder; "you have a shrewd little brain of your own. I see you can be trusted to make your own bargains."

"In the work-hour we go into the sitting-room, and there we sit with the bead-boxes in our laps, making baskets, and then our teacher reads to us out of a book, or tells us a story." "That is very nice," said Dotty; "people don't read to me much." "No, of course not, because you can see. People are kinder to blind children didn't you know it?

"Well, it's no secret that we're having one grand, glorious, good time!" said Dotty. "What's on for this morning?" Mr. Forbes went off to his own room then, and the girls planned out all they should do for the rest of their stay in the city. There was some shopping, some sight-seeing and some errands yet undone but they at last agreed on a programme that would suit everybody.

"Never you mind," said Polly, knitting as usual; "if it does any harm, 'twill only kill a few chickens." Upon this there was another wail; for next to ducks Dotty loved chickens. But lo! before her tears had rolled down to meet her dimples, the patter of hail was over. "Come and see the rainbow," said Polly, from the door-stone.

Can't expect your life now. O, no!" "Now you must put your hands behind you, and walk across the room," suggested Dotty; "that's the way." "If my memory preserves me right," continued the young doctor, pacing the floor, "you've got the ahem! pluribus unum." Here Dr. Prudy ran her fingers through her hair. "But it goes light this year with care, ma'am, you know.

"I knew when I flatly accused Miss Fayre this morning of taking the earring, that she was the guilty one. Understand me, she didn't mean to steal. She didn't look upon it as theft. She only took a fancy to the bauble, and appropriated it without really thinking it wrong. As a child would take a worthless little trinket, you know." Dotty looked stunned.

Dotty had not intended to eat a mouthful; but after her light supper of the night before, she was really hungry, and, in spite of her best resolves, the fish-hash and corncake gradually disappeared from her plate. After breakfast she felt more resigned, and armed herself to meet her fate. Mrs.

"Let her go," said the nurse; "that's a good idea." So Genie ran over to the next house and found Mrs. Fayre. "Please let me see Dolly," she said earnestly, "'cause if I don't Dotty thinks she's dead, and then Dotty will die too, so please let me see her, Mrs. Fayre. Can't I?" After some consideration Mrs. Fayre said Genie might go to Dolly's room for a few moments.

After he got done declaimin' about the handicap he an' Link was so happy to take, he got Castleton over hyar an' drove us all dotty with his crazy gol-lof names. Then he borrowed Castleton's gol-lof coat. I reckon borrowed is some kind word. He just about took that blazin' coat off the Englishman.

"So am I," returned Susy. Prudy said nothing. "I didn't see him shake his feet," said Dotty, changing the subject; "and the dust wouldn't come off if he did shake 'em." "Have you any more Christmas money left, Dotty," said Jennie, twirling her gold ring on her finger. "O, yes, ever so much at home.