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The next day, the 8th of December, was but a succession of the fainting fits. Herbert's thin hands clutched the sheets. They had administered further doses of pounded bark, but the reporter expected no result from it. "If before to-morrow morning we have not given him a more energetic febrifuge," said the reporter, "Herbert will be dead."

The larger doses of the past, intended to drive out the disease, have been everywhere replaced by smaller doses designed to stimulate the lagging body powers.

Take a portion of the liquid, evaporate to dryness, and incinerate; a sulphate, if present, will be obtained, and may be tested. Caution. Sulphuric acid may not be found even after large doses, due to treatment, vomiting, or survival for several days. In all cases every organ should be examined. Vomited matters and contents of stomach should not be mixed, but each separately examined.

Small doses of raw linseed oil may be given if necessary. Horses that are exposed to cold, wet weather or worked after becoming sick, frequently suffer from pneumonia, pericarditis, gastro-enteritis and other diseases. Such complications should be given prompt treatment.

When the caffein effect on tapping movements was studied, it was found that it works as a stimulation, sometimes preceded by a slight initial retardation. It persists from one to two hours after doses of from one to three grains and as long as four hours after doses of six grains. The steadiness test showed a slight nervousness after several hours after doses of from one to four grains.

More blood must be subtracted, a seton inserted, the bowels opened with Epsom salts, and the digitalis, nitre, and James's powder given more frequently and in larger doses than before. Little aid is to be derived from observation of the pulse of the dog; it differs materially in the breed, and size, and age of the animal.

I keep a glass for each of my patients, upon which their "high-water mark" is indicated by a slip of paper gummed on the outside. When Mr. Edgerton, pursuant to our stipulation, comes to me for his dose, I drop into the glass before his eyes a shot about the size of a small pea then fill the glass with Magendie's Solution up to the mark indicated. Midway between the doses of morphia I give Mr.

The name, arsenic, frightens not only those whom we desire to submit to its action, but also the physicians, whose exaggerated fears have sometimes rendered the experiments of no avail, since they were conducted too timidly and the doses of arsenic employed were altogether insufficient.

Unfortunately, during fever processes, digitalis in ordinary doses rarely slows the heart; and while it might slow the heart if given in large doses, it would also cause too powerful contractions of the ventricles. Digitalis is inadvisable if there is much endocardial inflammation, and especially if there is supposed or presumed to be acute myocardial inflammation.

One hundred and thirty were given him in three doses: the effect was astonishing; an eruption burst out upon the Marechal's body, and saved his life. His illness was not, however, at an end; and the army, although suffering considerably, would not hear of moving until he was quite ready to move also. There was no extremity it would not undergo rather than endanger the life of its chief.