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Why doesn't his grandson hang up his old broadaxe and plowshare and worship them, if he must have idols, instead of that symbol of strife and bloodshed. Does thee want our Dorothy's children to grow up under the shadow of the sword?" There was a stern light of prophecy in the old man's eyes. "May be Walter Evesham would take it down," said Rachel simply, leaning back and closing her eyes.

But before I tell you of the parchment I must relate a scene that occurred in Aunt Dorothy's room a few hours after I recognized John as he rode up the Wye with Dorothy. It was late in the afternoon of the day after I read the contract to Sir George and saw the horrid vision on Bowling Green. I was sitting with Madge at the west window of Dorothy's parlor.

It was decided that the tableaux, or charades, would be presented "without labels," and the audience would be permitted to guess what they stood for in nursery lore. "They won't need another guess on Dorothy's 'Bo Peep," said Tom. "That crook is more famous in history than that of the original shepherds. 'Bo Peep' is always a winner."

Quiet yourself and think it over." Joe Dale was a credit to the family. Although only a boy in his tenth year, he possessed as much manliness as many another well in the teens. He was tall, and of the dark type, while Dorothy was not quite so tall, and had fair hair; so that, in spite of the difference of their ages, Joe was often considered Dorothy's big brother.

"You know some of them are quite unlike us, but Miss Westcott says they'll improve that being with us will make them more gentle. And you have no idea how they are improving. And as for Dorothy's nursery, it's just booming. There is a waiting list a mile long," and she chatted on, entertaining the girls with her talk.

At this juncture an event happened that changed the current of poor Dorothy's after life. It was election night, and the bonfires were blazing on hill and vale, and all the young people of the village were wild with enthusiasm over the affair. A great bonfire had been built in the road in front of Gray Gables, as had been the custom for years. The old doctor had been very patriotic.

On Dorothy's face was a tender look, the reflection of her happy thoughts, and in Crane's mind floated again the vision of his ideal home, the home whose central figure he was unable to visualize. At last she turned and placed her hand on his arm. "You have done a great deal for me for us," she said simply. "I wish there were something I could do for you in return."

And as Abel snatched up the light, and hastily descended the steps with Paslew, Hal whispered in Dorothy's ears "Tak care neaw one fonds that chilt, Dolly, if they break in. Hide it safely; an whon they're gone, tak it to't church, and place it near t' altar, where no ill con cum to it or thee. Mey life may hong upon it."

"Providence has signally marked out my husband to protect him, and he has fed at our table and lodged under our roof now many days, till our hearts have grown very strongly unto him. Leave the tender child with us, and be at ease concerning his welfare." The Quaker rose from the ground, but drew the boy closer to her, while she gazed earnestly in Dorothy's face.

But the end was not yet. Though Dorothy had made no secret of her resignation from basket-ball activities, it took the news several days to reach the ears of the freshman class. "Too bad Dorothy's given up referee's post this year, isn't it?" was the casual remark that set the ball of reinstatement rolling. It was made to a member of the freshman team by Alice Kirby.