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He went on quietly to work out his own designs; and he has told me, since the war, that had we possessed in December, 1862, the experience of marching and maintaining armies without a regular base, which we afterward acquired, he would have gone on from Oxford as first contemplated, and would not have turned back because of the destruction of his depot at Holly Springs by Van Dorn.

News like this thrilled Dorn. During all the months he had been in France the deeds and valor of these German-named Blue Devils had come to him, here and there and everywhere. Dorn remembered all he heard, and believed it, too, though some of the charges and some of the burdens attributed to these famed soldiers seemed unbelievable. His opportunity had now come.

Lee leaned back as the coach whirled out of the Morris grounds. It was only a short time before they wound swiftly around the small curve of drive before the Fairfield house. "There is no need of both of us getting out," said Mrs. Van Dorn. Mrs. Van Dorn alighted and went swiftly with a tiptoeing effect upon the piazza-steps. She was seen to touch the bell.

And in a moon-lighted room overlooking a fanfare of roofs, Erik Dorn whispered one night to Rachel, "You have given me wings!" Time to get up. An oblong of sunlight squeezing through beneath the drawn blind and slapping itself boldly on the gloomy carpet ... "shame on all sleepy heads. Here's another day...." Rachel smiled as she opened her eyes. She lay quietly, smiling.

The Associated Press, sending forth an account of the riot to the entire country, represented it as a fight between rival gangs of workmen precipitated by the insults and menaces of a "socialistic party led by a young operator named Dorn."

"I I stared at you.... Oh, I must have been rude.... But, Miss Anderson, I I didn't mean to be. I didn't think you saw me at all. I don't know what made me do that. It never happened before. I beg your pardon." A subtle indefinable change, perceptible to Dorn, even in his confused state, came over the girl. "I did not say you were impertinent," she returned.

On the bed ... crying ... "I couldn't leave you, Erik. Oh, I couldn't." And later they would laugh about it. Mama Turpin was on the porch. He slowed his run. To rush breathless past the old woman would make a bad impression, if nothing had happened. "Good evening, Mr. Dorn." Of course she was upstairs. Or would Mama Turpin say good-evening?

The order was obeyed without any delay. Dispatches were sent to him the same day in conformity. On the 20th General Van Dorn appeared at Holly Springs, my secondary base of supplies, captured the garrison of 1,500 men commanded by Colonel Murphy, of the 8th Wisconsin regiment, and destroyed all our munitions of war, food and forage.

In the letters, in accounts written by Dorn and others, we find fire, enthusiasm, even a good deal of blatherskite and wild vapouring, but scarcely a hint of "poetry," of the special poetical sense, of the poet's outlook on life: and in his music he was chiefly occupied in mastering the technical side of the craft, assimilating, and at the same time emancipating himself from, the lessons with Weinlig, and, absorbed in the task, simply letting romance, poetry, imagination, fancy and the rest go hang; his practical outward life was devoted to talking what he thought was politics and drinking lager.

Glidden's coat and blouse were half torn off; blood covered him; he strained and flung himself weakly in that iron clutch. He was beaten and bent back. His tongue hung out, bloody, fluttering with strangled cries. A ghastly face, appalling in its fear of death! Lenore broke her mute spell of mingled horror and passion. "For God's sake, don't let Dorn kill him!" she implored.