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As for the church dope and all that, why, it's like that guy in the Bible you used to tell us about when we were children or was she a lady? It's a case of 'Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God, or words to that effect. If we don't agree on our own account, we'll do it because you want it. Isn't that about the idea? Wouldn't that fill the bill?"

"Why I got the whole dope on the receiving end of the fur smuggling by your tip on the two buyers, and have that ready to clean up any time I want to. Then I got worrying about you boys here in a strange country, and decided to hop on and lend what assistance I could.

"'Remember, he said, 'any time you reconsider, I'm open. No matter where you are, wire me and I'll send the ducats to come on at once. "I thanked him, and asked the pay for my copy dope, he called it. "'Oh, regular routine, he said. 'Get it the first Thursday after publication. "'Then I'll have to trouble you for a few scad until "He looked at me and smiled. 'Better cough up, eh?

Some of us have suspected for a long time that a good deal of the teaching of the world regarding women has come under the general heading of "dope." Now "dope" is not a slang word, as you may be thinking, gentle reader. "Dope" means anything that is calculated to soothe, or hush, or put to sleep. "Sedative" is a synonym, but it lacks the oily softness of "dope."

Cinnabar Joe regarded Purdy dully. "He switched glasses," he muttered thickly. A swift look of fear flashed into Purdy's eyes. "How'n hell did he know we fixed his licker?" he cried, for well he realized that if the Texan had switched glasses he was cognizant of the attempt to dope him. Moistening his lips with his tongue, the cowpuncher turned abruptly on his heel.

"Then missionaries are of some use after all, Curly. You was allus hard on 'em, if I remember right." "Umph! They're all right when one's starving. If they'd only leave the Gospel dope out, it wouldn't be so bad." "Got a dose of it, eh?" "Should say I did. Morning, noon an' night I had to go to church with the Indians. I've had enough to last me the rest of me life.

D'you think dope sells itself? If there wasn't a profit in it, would it be sold to any one but doctors? Where'd you get your Socialism, anyhow?" So Peter beat a hasty retreat. "Oh, sure, I know all that. But here you're shut up in jail because you want to change things. Ain't you got a right to give yourself a rest while you're in?" The poet looked at him, as solemn as an owl. He shook his head.

"Shoot," said he. "How often do you have to have this dope for the best results; and how much of it at a shot?" He stared at me for a moment, then laughed. "What's it to yuh?" he repeated his formula. "I want to know." "I get to needing it about once a day. Three grains will carry me by." "All right; that's what I want to know. Now listen to me.

"I was merely providing for the hundredth chance. I don't like your alternative." "Why don't you?" "Well, for one thing, it's needlessly bloody. We don't have to go at this thing like a bull at a gate. I've had my finger on the pulse of things ever since Lidgerwood took hold. The dope is working all right in a purely natural way.

He was standing by his wheel, ready to start. They shook hands, and Joe held on to his for a moment, as he said: "I'm goin' to see you again, Mart, before you an' me die. That's straight dope. I feel it in my bones. Good-by, Mart, an' be good. I like you like hell, you know." He stood, a forlorn figure, in the middle of the road, watching until Martin turned a bend and was gone from sight.