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Was this the very door-step that the old De Quincey used to revisit in homage? I pondered Ann's fate, the cause of her sudden vanishing from the ken of her boy friend; and presently I blamed myself for letting the past override the present. Poor vanished Soames! And for myself, too, I began to be troubled. What had I better do?

She went into the open garret closing the door after her, that no heat might escape, and sat down on the upper flight of stairs again. How she longed to run down to hang about the door-step, and even go as far as the corner to meet him! But this would be disobedience. How often had he told her never to loiter in the street or about the door?

She did not answer that, but once on the door-step Lorraine turned and faced him. Quite suddenly it came to her the knowledge of why she did not like this man. She stared at him, her eyes wide and bright. "Your hat's brown!" she exclaimed unguardedly. "I I saw a man with a brown hat " He laughed suddenly.

"'Would it be cowardice if one of the neighbor's family said, "I will not take any further part in this robbery!" when he saw you, mother, weeping over you, father, as you lay dead after trying to defend your house? When I was asked to fire at those running men it was like standing on a neighbor's door-step and firing down the street at my neighbors in flight. I could not do it.

In spite of these disappointments, all continued to be merry. No one took any part of it very seriously. The young men went out and ploughed when they pleased, and came in and sat on the door-step and talked with the women when they were weary. The shanties were hot and crowded, but no one minded that; by-and-by they were to build bigger.

She lost patience at last, and rated him soundly; but as neither coaxing nor scolding availed, and she was eating her meal with a poor relish inside, while he waited unhappily without, we settled the difficulty by putting the dish on the door-step, where they ate together in perfect content. "But a more serious trouble came at bed-time, for Mrs.

"Oh, I had breakfast an hour ago," she answered, giving him her moist hand to which a few petals were clinging. "Ye Gods! have I missed an hour? Why, I expected to sit waiting on the door-step until you had had your sleep out." "Don't you know if you gather rose leaves with the dew on them, their sweetness lasts twice as long?" asked Betty.

It was not until the shouts of your pursuers had died away that I could realize what you had saved me from, and the thought made me so faint and weak that I was forced to sit down on a door-step for a time before I could make my way home. As to my father, he turned as pale as death when I came in and told him what had happened."

There was nobody to see her whom she knew, and if there had been she would not have cared. She did not know how long she had been sitting there, for she was thinking of other things, but she was roused by hearing her husband's voice: "Well, by G ! that's a G d pretty business squatting on a door-step like a servant girl! Come in, I tell you, and shut the door."

I could thus obtain the information, while Mr Laffan remained on watch at some distance. The place at first appeared deserted; but at length I saw three persons. One was lying in front of a door-step, another was apparently watching him, both being badly wounded, while a third, leaning against the wall, watched me as I approached. "Friends," I asked, "what has happened lately in this town?"