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She found her seated on the kitchen door-step in lonely lamentation, and showered the gifts into her lap, while the vain one shrieked inimitably with pride in the sudden vision of her mistress and joy of the incredible possessions. "Here, and here, and here!" said Miss Betty in a breath, hurling the fineries upon her.

They would come in without the least ceremony, and, young as they were, ask me a thousand impertinent questions; and when I civilly requested them to leave the room, they would range themselves upon the door-step, watching my motions, with their black eyes gleaming upon me through their tangled, uncombed locks.

You're not very big;" and as he said this the man drew his arm about the boy in a fond sort of way. "I guess you're tired," he added, for Andy, now that an arm was drawn around him, leaned against it heavily. "Yes, I'm tired," said the child. "And sleepy too, poor little fellow! It isn't much of a bed I can give you, but it's better than a door-step or a rubbish corner."

I declare, Charlie, you looked so like a little monkey, dressed up in that sky-blue coat and silver buttons, that I liked to have died a-laughing at you;" and Kinch was so overcome by the recollection of the event in question, that he was obliged to sit down upon a door-step to recover himself.

Oyvind returned his gaze. Something rose up in his throat once more, but he hastily forced himself to think of things that he loved, one by one, until it was choked down again. "Now I had better go," said the school-master, and nodding, turned away. Both parents followed him as usual out on the door-step; here the school-master took a quid of tobacco, and smiling said,

The ghosts of dead hours came trooping and eddying round him, like the autumn leaves that had begun to strew the Paris streets all the scenes of that first ghastly week when he had hunted in desperation for his lost wife and child. His joyous return from Chelsea, on the evening of his good-fortune Mrs. Gibbs's half-sulky message on the door-step that 'Mrs.

Good gracious, it's the country to pile up wealth in! Here we are here's where the Sellers dynasty hangs out. Hump it on the door-step, Jerry the blackest niggro in the State, Washington, but got a good heart mighty likely boy, is Jerry. And now I suppose you've got to have ten cents, Jerry.

Our failure is in exact ratio to the seriousness of the occasion, and to the depth of our feeling. In a room, or even on a door-step, we can make the farewell quite worthily. We can express in our faces the genuine sorrow we feel. Nor do words fail us. There is no awkwardness, no restraint, on either side. The thread of our intimacy has not been snapped. The leave-taking is an ideal one.

When the little one was safely deposited in his wooden cradle, the other baby, scarce two years older, being consigned to an uncomfortable nest between restless Rufie and Tilly, in a bed scarcely wide enough for them, the tired oldest sister dropped down on the door-step near kind old Nate, who sat tilted back against the house wall, the legs of his wooden chair boring deep holes in the sandy soil.

Nick warned Terry against the girl on account of her loose character. "I have often found her," he said, "misconducting herself with some fellow or other. Why, she does so with everybody. Only this evening I found her on the front door-step with young Bladen. She is not the kind for you to be serious about. Everybody knows how common she is."