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With the inborn love of life, she tried to cover the vital part wherein the winged death must lodge for she knew Carver's certain aim but her hands hung numbed, and heavy; in nothing but her eyes was life. With no sign of pity in his face, no quiver of relenting, but a well-pleased grin at all the charming palsy of his victim, Carver Doone lowered, inch by inch, the muzzle of his gun.

Nor was it very difficult to keep most part of the mischief from me, for no Doone ever robs at home, neither do they quarrel much, except at times of gambling. And though Sir Ensor Doone is now so old and growing feeble, his own way he will have still, and no one dare deny him.

'Yet hearkening, as a coward does, through the brushing of the wind, and echo of far noises, I heard a sharp sound as of iron, and a fall of heavy wood. No unmanly shriek came with it, neither cry for mercy. Carver Doone knows what it was; and so did Alan Brandir. Here Lorna Doone could tell no more, being overcome with weeping.

I haue doone vnto thée manie great pleasures, and commest thou now vnto me into the church armed?" Unto whome the knight presentlie answered and said; "Thou shalt know anon what is ment, thou art but dead: it is not possible for thee any longer to liue."

"Yes, not a thing more about her to save my life." "Maybe what you know has saved it," said Ronicky darkly. His victim eyed him with sullen malevolence. "Maybe there'll be a new trick or two in this game before it's finished. I'll never forget you, Doone, and you, Gregg." "You haven't a thing in the world on us," replied Ronicky. "I have the fact that you carry concealed weapons."

But although I cannot see her, and have long forgotten, I could not bear to hear ill of her." "There is no ill to hear, sweet child, except of evil done to her. Lorna, you are of an ill-starred race." "Better that than a wicked race," she answered with her usual quickness, leaping at conclusion; "tell me I am not a Doone, and I will but I cannot love you more."

Manie works of great zeale and vertue are remembered by writers to haue béene doone by this Constantine and his mother Helen, to the setting foorth of Gods glorie, and the aduancing of the faith of Christ.

Certainly Ronicky Doone had won the first stage of the battle between them, but there was more to come much more of that battle and who would win in the end was an open question. He made up his mind grimly that, whatever happened, he would first ship Bill Gregg and the girl out of the city, then act as the rear guard to cover their retreat.

One of them fell into the rick, and was burned, and buried in a ditch next day; but the others were set upon their horses, and carried home on a path of blood. And strange to say, they never avenged this very dreadful injury; but having heard that a woman had fired this desperate shot among them, they said that she ought to be a Doone, and inquired how old she was.

But first she had done a thing which I could not in the least approve of: for she had gone up to my mother, and thrown herself into her arms, and begged to be allowed to return to Glen Doone. "My child, are you unhappy here?" mother asked her, very gently, for she had begun to regard her now as a daughter of her own. "Oh, no! Too happy, by far too happy, Mrs. Ridd.