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"'I know not, yea, I know not What bliss awaits me there. Di, doo de di di doo de " Breaking off to suggest: "Better stay and eat along with me to-day, hadn't you, Babbie?" Barbara tried hard not to seem superior. "Thank you," she said, "but I guess I can't. We're going to have chicken and lemon jelly."

Yankee doodle dandy, Yankee doodle dandy, Yankee doodle doodle doo, Yankee doodle dandy! the canoe behind was proving too much for them. Meanwhile Charley wondered how Maria had invented his "American" song. The canoe behind held seven persons; and of course it could overhaul Charley's canoe, for four of the persons were paddlers.

"'Spose dot she didn't try to helps herself some," he said, in talking the matter over with Mr. Marston, "don't you not sees dot she would get eat up doo, dree times by dot bear dot vos bigger as nefer vos?"

"At, then," said he to Dumps with a wheedling air and expression of intense affection that would have taken by storm the heart of any civilised dog, "won't ye come now an' lay in yar own kennel? Sure it's a beautiful wan, an' as warm as the heart of an iceberg. Doo come now, avic, an' I'll show ye the way." But Dumps's heart was marble. He wouldn't budge.

"Wal," replied Smoky, more cautiously, "they ain't been monkeyin' with me; but if they did " "If they did ?" drawled Mintie, with her elbows on the table and her face between her hands. "If they cut my fence as they've cut yours, and, after doo warnings, kep' on trespassin' and makin' trouble, why then, by Gosh! I'd shoot.

How throughlie he was séene in all kinds of good literature, the bookes which hée wrote doo manifestlie beare witnesse.

Unto Robert Fitz Bernard he committed the cities of Waterford and Wesseford, that he should kéepe the same to his vse, and build in them castels, for a more sure defense against the enimies. Ger. Dor. At his méeting with them there, he gaue them verie good countenance, and right honorable enterteinment, omitting nothing that might doo them pleasure. Dor.

'You speak truth in that, sir, if you never speaks no more 'twixt this and when two Sundays jines together. I feels the sufferins of other people more than I feels my own, though no one mayn't suppoge it. The families I've had, said Mrs Gamp, 'if all was knowd and credit done where credit's doo, would take a week to chris'en at Saint Polge's fontin!

Major Doo, who, as I have said, was the creature of Fouquet, a mean and covetous man, knowing I had money, had always acted the part of a protector as he pretended to me, and continually told me I was condemned for life. He perpetually turned the conversation on the great credit of his general with the King, and his own great credit with the general.

He was a maruellous contemner of monie, so that bribes might not mooue him to doo otherwise than dutie required.