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But he sneered as with the movement he sent a bullet into the man's chest; his lips curving with slight irony when Dolver's gun went off, the bullet throwing up sand at Purgatory's forehoofs.

Half an hour later Laskar, holding his chest, where Purgatory had kicked him, was sitting at the table in the rear room of the First Chance, cursing with a fluency that he had not yielded to in many years. "Dolver's wiped out!" he gasped hoarsely; "plugged so quick he didn't know he was hit. A center shot plumb in the heart; his own gun goin' off while he was fallin'. I looked him over after.

There was no thought of romance in Harlan's mind when he mounted Purgatory to take up Dolver's trail; and when he came upon Dolver at Sentinel Rock and later, until he had talked with Lane Morgan he had no thought of offering himself to Morgan, to become that trustworthy man who would "work his guns" for the Rancho Seco owner.

Finding none, he stooped and took up Dolver's pistol and rifle that had fallen from the man's hands when he had tumbled off the rock, throwing them near where the cartridge belt had fallen. "You freeze there while I take a look around this rock!" he commanded, with a cold look at the man. Half a dozen steps took him around the base of the rock.

Deveny glanced out of the window at the blot that was now closer. "It's Laskar, all regular," he said. "He's leading a sorrel horse Dolver's horse. Old Morgan got Dolver looks like, the damned old gopher! Men as willing as Dolver are not found every day." He looked at the third man, who had not spoken. "Lawson," he said, "you mosey down the trail a little piece and meet Laskar. Bring him here!"

"I lifted his gun an' his rifle, an' Dolver's gun, an' throwed them under Purgatory my horse. Laskar has tried to get them, an' Purgatory's raised some objection." He stepped back and peered around the rock.