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It had scarcely turned into the lane when the colonel, looking back, saw the old man digging furiously. The condition of the yard was explained; he had been unjust in ascribing it to Ben's neglect. "I reckon, suh," remarked Peter, "dat w'en he fin' dat million dollahs, Mistah Ben'll marry Miss Grac'ella an' take huh ter New Yo'k." "Perhaps and perhaps not," said the colonel.

"Still, you don't know her case will be a hard one; it may be very light. But don't talk now." "Well I hope so. Me, I wou'n' take ten thousand dollahs faw thad feveh myself to see that devotion of my wife. You muz 'ave observe', eh?" "Yes, indeed, old man; nobody could help observing. I wouldn't talk any more just now." "No," he insisted, "nobody could eveh doubt.

I paid Majah Ransom de intrus' on de mortgage dis mawnin' an' a hund'ed dollahs besides, an' I spec's ter hab de balance ready by de fust of nex' Jiniwary; an' den we won't owe nobody a cent. I tell yer dere ain' nothin' like propputy ter make a pusson feel like a man. But w'at 's de matter wid yer, Nancy? Is sump'n' skeered yer?" The woman did seem excited and ill at ease.

"Marse Sykes, he sez I gits eight dollahs a month, myself, an' Sally she gits fo'; an' den we hez tree pounds o' meat apiece an' a peck o' meal, each on us, ebbery week.

"Well, Kunnel Pen'leton scratch' 'is head, en wonder whar he wuz gwine ter raise a thousan' dollahs; en he did n' see des how he could do it, fer he owed ez much ez he could borry a'ready on de skyo'ity he could gib. But he wuz des boun' ter hab dat hoss, so sezee: "'I'll gib you my note fer' 'leven hund'ed dollahs fer dat hoss. "De yuther man shuck 'is head, en sezee:

The negro woman ceased her sobbing as she took the bill. "Ten dollahs," said she, "ten dollahs for dat baby! Dat'll buhy him right fine, it sho' will, Mr. Edd'ron. You'se a fine man, Mr. Edd'ron, 'deed you is." Eddring smiled bitterly. He paced up and down the room, his head bent down. Presently he turned to his assistant. "Go on over to the depot," said he, "and see if there is any more mail.

Ah make as high as twelve an' sometimes fifteen dollahs a week." "That helps a lot," said Hamilton, as he noted down the facts that the woman was a laundress, and that she worked on her own account, typified by the letters "O.A." in the wage column. "You both read and write or, wait a bit, I think you said you couldn't write, and that you have to get the neighbors' children to help you."

I wa'n't gwine be tempted, an' I try to pull myse'f erway. Ef I'd 'a' gone den 'twould 'a' been all right, but I stayed an' I stayed, an' I looked, an' I looked, an' it did seem lak it was so easy. At las', mistah, I tried it, an' I didn' fin' dat ball, an' dee got my ten dollahs, an' dat was all I had." "Uh, huh," said Schwalliger grimly, "thell game, an' dey did you."

Then he took another bottle and said some more: "One bottle of this medicine is worth five dollahs. Who would not give a paltry five dollahs for to be cured of his miseries? But ladees and gents, because I was once born in your beautiful ceety I will sell " "Why, he even forgot its name," whispered Jehosophat. "Shush," whispered the Toyman right back at him, "don't give him away."

He showed it to some man with money, and they took it up and we patented it, and now we've got a facto'y and we're selling it. It's it's making lots of money." He turned an apologetic eye on his friend and continued, more firmly: "They gave me twenty thousand dollahs down and twenty pe' cent, of the stock, and a block of stock foh you, because I insisted on that. I want you in on my luck.