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McHurdie looked at Dolan over his glasses and replied, "Speech is silver, but silence is golden." "The same," answered Dolan, "the same it is, and by the same authority apples of gold in pictures of silver is a word fitly spoken to a man like Gabe Gamine."

Chisum could be depended upon to pay some of the debts to the warriors through stolen cattle, if not through signed checks. Why, then, should good, game men go on killing each other for nothing? This was the argument used. Mrs. In this conference there were, on the Murphy side, Jesse Evans, Jimmie Dolan and Bill Campbell.

But at night, as they walked together over the town under the stars or moon, a lonely soul rose out of the tall body and spread over the face. Dolan kept to his pipe and Hendricks to his cigar. But these were the only marks of caste between them. One night Hendricks led the way across the bridge down the river road and into the fields.

Judge Dolan he rides on my train a lot and he's always askin' what I got new in detective stuff." "Um, yep! Well, dat may be all right fo' Judge Dolan," went on Shag, slowly recovering from his fit of chuckling, "but mah marster don't want none of dat kind of readin'." "Why?" asked the boy. Shag's answer was given in a peculiar manner.

"We were saying Luke Tweezy made a good many." "Something like that, yeah. You run across any of Luke's mistakes yet, Racey?" Racey shook his head. "No." "Did you go to Marysville?" "Why for Marysville?" "Luke Tweezy lives in Marysville." "And you think there's somebody in Marysville would talk?" Judge Dolan looked pained. "I didn't say so," he was quick to remark. "I know you didn't, but "

"They might prove interesting reading, that's a fact," drawled Racey. "Now I ain't suggestin' anything," pursued Judge Dolan. "I couldn't on account of my oath. But it ain't so Gawd-awful far from Farewell to Marysville." "It ain't too far." "I got a notion Luke Tweezy will find important business to keep him here in Farewell the next four or five days."

The first who appeared on this the second morning of the trial was Corney Dolan, who unfortunately came prepared to swear anything which he thought might benefit the prisoner.

Sergeant Daw asked a few questions a very few when it was necessary for his understanding of circumstances or the relative positions of persons; but as a rule Dolan, who knew his work thoroughly, forestalled every query, and explained all necessary matters as he went on.

Percy did dimly remember something of the kind a month or two before; but he could not be certain, and said so. "Well, sir, you will come, will you not?" "I must communicate with Father Dolan," said the priest. "If he gives me permission " "If you please, sir, Father Father Dolan must not know her name. You will not tell him?" "I do not know it myself yet," said the priest, smiling.

The Texan came running from the barn, which was beginning to blaze. Dolan and Carnine still were in it. Then from the wood back of the camp fifty men appeared, riding at a gallop. Lige Bemis and General Ward rode in front of the troop of horsemen. Carnine was still in the burning barn asleep, and there was no leader to give command to the dazed guards.