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And those of his own people who drank the whiskey, he had flogged with dog-whips floggings that had been administered in no half-hearted or uncertain manner, and that had ceased only upon the tiring of his arm. And many there were among his Indians who could testify that the arm was slow to tire.

"O ay, freedom enough," said the Antiquary; "he generally invents some damned improbable lie or another to provoke you, like that nonsense he talked just now not that I'll publish my tract till I have examined the thing to the bottom." "In England," said Lovel, "such a mendicant would get a speedy check." "Yes, your churchwardens and dog-whips would make slender allowance for his vein of humour!

Moccasins were cut extra large and high, and lined with fur of the hare. Heavy rawhide dog-whips and buckskin gun-cases completed the simple winter outfit. But still there remained the question of sustenance. Game would be scarce and uncertain in the cold months. It was now seven weeks since Dick's accident. Cautiously, with many pauses, he began to rest weight on the injured foot.

For a moment she stood as it had left her, leaning forward, and there was a shine of satisfaction in her eyes. Then as the man essayed to rise there was a mighty laughter from the two youths on the river bank and the spell was broken. McElroy went forward. "DesCaut," he said sharply, and his words cut like the lash of the long dog-whips, "you deserves death but you have been beaten by a woman.

'I can forgive them for worrying the Liberals' he threw a laughing glance at Greatorex 'but they are disorderly. 'Isn't the phrase consecrated to a different class? said Miss Levering, quietly. 'You're perfectly right. Greatorex, for once, was at one with Lord Borrodaile. 'They've become nothing less than a public nuisance. Going about with dog-whips and spitting in policemen's faces.

The entire population of the village was ranged in two parallel rows facing each other, and all were armed with sticks, clubs, dog-whips or some similar weapon with which to strike at the poor wretch who would be forced to run for his life down the dreary lane. As Bullen faced this ordeal he recalled how other men had acted under similar circumstances.

"Out, sordid jade!" exclaimed Dame Ellesmere, her very flesh quivering betwixt apprehension and anger, "and hold your peace this instant, or I will find those that shall flay the very hide from thee with dog-whips.

"There they be! there they be! all the varmers, and young Squire Clayton wi' mun, on his grey hunter! O Lord! O Lord! and all their swords drawn!" I thought of the old story in Herodotus how the Scythian masters returned from war to the rebel slaves who had taken possession of their lands and wives, and brought them down on their knees with terror, at the mere sight of the old dreaded dog-whips.

At the side-table, covered with guns, dog-whips, nipple-wrenches, and the like, Tim, rigged like his master, in half boots and leggins, but with a short roundabout of velveteen, in place of the full-skirted jacket, was filling our shot-pouches by aid of a capacious funnel, more used, as its odor betokened, to facilitate the passage of gin or Jamaica spirits than of so sober a material as cold lead.

While almost everything was novel and strange to them, they were most interested in the heavy dog-whips, and, boylike, must try their hands in wielding them. These whips differed very much from anything they had ever seen in civilisation. While the handles were only eighteen inches in length, the lashes, which were loaded with shot, were over fifteen feet long.