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The collie trotted gravely along, just in front of him, pausing once in a while, as if to make certain the man was following. The silence and gloom and sinister solemnity of the place had had a dampening effect on the dog's gay spirits. The backward glances at his self-chosen master were for reassuring himself, rather than for guidance.

To run all kinds of hazards, to jeopardize one's self, to rush into the jaws of death these are too often identified with Valor, and in the profession of arms such rashness of conduct what Shakespeare calls, "valor misbegot" is unjustly applauded; but not so in the Precepts of Knighthood. Death for a cause unworthy of dying for, was called a "dog's death."

If any of you happen to be at the Dog's Head, drop a hint that you saw a princess and a duchess in the Old Swan's small dining room." If a guest doubted Pickering's statement concerning the quality of his guests, he led them to the door of the small dining room, where the sceptic was relieved of his doubts, for Frances and Nelly looked their assumed parts convincingly.

To find the preliminary steps of the evolution of mathematics and commerce in a dog is therefore a very important observation, and everything bearing on these early phases of intellect should be carefully recorded. The Spectator is always so kind to animals that I venture to send you the following story of a dog's sagacity, which may be depended upon as absolutely true:

"Say, Joe, what're you in mourning for?" "I'm in mourning for my little dog!" "Your little dog. Why, your little dog ain't dead, is it?" "Yes, my little dog's dead!" "Well, Joe, I'm sorry to hear your little dog's dead. What was the matter with your little dog?" "My little dog died last week." "Yes, your little dog died last week?..." "He swallowed a tape-measure!..."

Tudor Brown, white with rage and terror, insisted that the dog's brains should be blown out. Mr. Hersebom, who had come to the rescue, protested warmly against such a project. The commander arriving at this moment, settled the matter by desiring Tudor Brown to put away his revolver, and decreeing that henceforth Kaas must be kept chained.

"You ought to be able to see her now," whispered Morgan, "but I fear that the current has carried her more east." "That's what I was afraid of," said Gregory softly, "and I'm afraid of missing her. If she would only show a light!" Just then there was a low, ominous-sounding growl which made Mark hug the dog's head to his breast and hold it tightly, while he ordered it to be silent.

Hume's hand fell gently on the head, and he said to the fire: "Ah, Rose Lepage, you can write to Factor Field what you dare not write to your husband if you knew. You might say to him then, 'With all love, but not 'With all respect." He folded the letter and put it in his pocket. Then he took the dog's head between his hands and said: "Listen, Bouche, and I will tell you a story."

Today he had found her. And in answer to his whine there came a sobbing cry straight out of the heart of the Willow. Carvel found them there a few minutes later, the dog's head hugged close up against the Willow's breast, and the Willow was crying crying like a little child, her face hidden from him on Baree's neck.

An instant more and the vision had vanished as quickly as it had appeared; even the dog's sharp bark dying away in the distance. The furnace doors banged shut, and all was again darkness and silence. I turned back along the deserted deck, only pausing a moment to glance carelessly in through the front windows of the main cabin.