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'Of course, you old humbug, I can see you pursing your lips and saying, "Does Austin really love her? If he did, he would be unable to see her faults." It's an exploded theory that love is blind. Good heavens! if a man in love can see in a girl beauty which doesn't exist, is there any reason to suppose he will be unable to see the faults that do?

"He doesn't seem to want to come," suggested a man with a red moustache. "Oh, I'll get him. He needs a little coaxing," returned the old sailor. "Come on down, Wango!" he went on. Wango looked at the egg beater he held in one paw, and then, seeing the little handle which turned the wheel, he began to twist it.

Albert looked at the thin figure upon which hung a soiled and faded calico dress, and then at her white hair as she bent over her work, and the pitiful sight and the pathos of her words touched him. "If you are one of the Lord's poor of this village," he thought, "the Lord doesn't do much for you!"

"Me, too," answered Sandy, soberly. "But this is just about as fine as anything can be. Only think of it, Oscar! There are buffalo and antelopes within ten or fifteen miles of here. I know, for Younkins told me so. And Indians, not wild Indians, but tame ones that are at peace with the whites. It seems too good to have happened to us; doesn't it, Oscar?"

Which, according to my reckoning, was by no means a proof of extraordinary ability. Frances seemed amused, for some unexplained reason. "I should never have thought it," she observed. "Why not?" asked Judson. "Oh, I don't know. Golf is a game, and Mr. Knowles doesn't look as if he played games. I should have expected nothing so frivolous from him." "My golf is anything but frivolous," I said.

Only it was she alone who about the visit insisted. Her father insists on nothing. And she watches him do it." Her husband looked impressed. "Watches him?" "For the first faint sign. I mean of his noticing. It doesn't, as I tell you, come. But she's there for it to see. And I felt," she continued, "HOW she's there; I caught her, as it were, in the fact.

But which?" Jack had clambered down and stood by Alan's side. "We must make ready for defense in either case," he said. "In a few minutes we'll be able to see them both from the platform below." "One of those boats means to blow us out of existence if it can," mused Jack. "The other cannot know of our existence. And yet, if she doesn't, what is she doing here, headed for the rock?"

Didn't she send me over here to find this mine? And wasn't it right where she told me? Doesn't it lie within the shadow of a place of death, and wasn't the gold added to it?" "Why, no!" exclaimed Drusilla, "did you find the gold, too? I thought " "That referred to the copper," answered Denver soberly. "It was your father that gave me the tip.

"Cecily doesn't mind about the shabbiness of it," he heard Gilbert saying. "We've talked about that, and she says it doesn't matter a bit. All that matters to her is that she shan't be found out ... too publicly anyhow! She called me a prig when I said that I was afraid of tainting my work...." "Tainting your work?" "Yes.

Polly Upham can't think or talk of anything but her intended, and it gets tiresome. He doesn't seem so very wonderful to me. And wouldn't it weary you to hear me praising some one all the time?" "I think it would," he answered honestly, yet with some confusion of mind. "So I don't want it;" with more courage in her voice. "I want good times with them all.