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He is going to Canada for a couple of months and we can have the lodge for the whole time he is away or a part of it, just as we wish. Hooray! How's that for luck?" The girls were so excited over their good fortune that they forgot all about Dodo.

Upper parts olive-green, with a white line over the eye, and gray cap with a black border. Under parts white, shaded with greenish on the sides. A Summer Citizen of North America east of the Pacific States, and a hard-working member of the guild of Tree Trappers. "I thought you would tell about my beautiful red bird next," interrupted Dodo.

So clever is he that when he eats bees, as he sometimes does, he seldom takes the honey-makers, but mainly the drones; perhaps he is afraid of being stung." "What is a drone, Uncle Roy?" asked Dodo. "A bee which does not work for its living and cannot sting." "The Kingbird is proud of his nest, which he often confides to a maple on the edge of a garden, or to your pet pear tree.

Isn't it wonderful! He may have his little thoughts. I wish nurse were here. Do look at him." A large tear which had been for some time gathering, rolled down Dorothea's cheek as she looked up and tried to smile. "Don't be sad, Dodo; kiss baby. What are you brooding over so? I am sure you did everything, and a great deal too much. You should be happy now."

"No, Dodo," laughed the Doctor; "when pigs are shut up they eat a great many dirty things, but naturally they prefer clean food like other cattle corn, acorns, apples, and so forth. Besides, those 'nasty things, as you call them, turn into pork before they are put in sausages, for pigs know how to make pork.

I was in danger of my life and was compelled to defend himself. That is all, Your Honor, though I must say, in conclusion, that I cannot get over my perplexity. Why did he say he was the Dodo? Why did he so wantonly attack me?" And thus was Sol Witberg given a liberal education in the art of perjury.

"Us 'ookin' for tandy!" calmly announced Dodo. "Has oo dot any in oo pockets?" "Pockets! We never have pockets!" cried Betty. "Oh, aren't they too funny for anything!" "You wouldn't say so, if they did this or something like it to you three or four times a day," exclaimed Mollie, half-crossly, as she advanced to rescue her garments. But the twins backed away, stepping on the skirt.

"The Canary has a short, thick, cone-shaped bill suited to cracking seeds, while the Yellow Warbler has the slender bill necessary for prying into small cracks and crannies for insects. This Warbler also has light rusty streaks on his yellow breast. Do you remember having ever seen, a Canary with such markings?" Nat and Dodo thought for a moment, and then said they never had.

But Celia was glad to have room for speech after her uncle's suggestion of the marriage ceremony, and she said, though with as little eagerness of manner as if the question had turned on an invitation to dinner, "Do you mean that Dodo is going to be married directly, uncle?" "In three weeks, you know," said Mr. Brooke, helplessly.

When some one calls you in the garden, can't you tell whether it is Dodo or Olive?" "Yes, but their voices are so very different." "So are the voices of birds, when you know them well." "But the young birds who have been hatched up here how do they know about going the first time?" asked Rap.