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"So you fish? Well, it's the best sport in the world. This bouncer has been dodging me all the afternoon, and I vowed I'd get him before I left. Almost had him once before, but he got away with the bait. Wouldn't let me alone, though, even after that. I warned him he was flirting with his fate!" And he laughed a big, booming, pleasant laugh.

The Senator puffed, and tugged at the other boot. "No, ma'am. You're talking to me. There! Now go ahead and I'll listen." "Why didn't you discourage Mr. Bartley's idea of making such a journey? "I did, Nelly. I told him he was a dam' fool." Mrs. Senator Brown, who knew her husband's capabilities in dodging issues when he was cornered, both at home and abroad, peered at him over her glasses.

Thus matters went on, steadily growing from bad to worse, until the month of September set in. We had been dodging off and on, carefully beating over every inch of our cruising ground and looking into every likely and unlikely spot, in the hope of picking up a prize or two, and our non-success had been simply phenomenal.

Would he tell how he had killed one Falin in the presence of the latter's wife at a wild bee tree; how he had killed a sheriff by dropping to the ground when the sheriff fired, in this way dodging the bullet and then shooting the officer from where he lay supposedly dead; how he had thrown another Falin out of the Court House window and broken his neck the Falin was drunk, Rufe always said, and fell out; why, when he was constable, he had killed another because, Rufe said, he resisted arrest; how and where he had killed Red-necked Johnson, who was found out in the woods?

It happened, as we were dodging from tree to tree, that all four of our rifles were discharged at the same time; a circumstance of which our assailants availed themselves to make a rush at us. Luckily the weight of the onset fell on Jaap, who clubbed his rifle, and literally knocked down in succession the three Indians that first reached him.

She struggled futilely in his plowman arms. "Say you love me!" "If you don't let me go I shall hate you!" "I see I shall have to kiss you until you do love me." "Yes yes whatever you wish me to say," she cried, suddenly freeing herself by dodging most undignifiedly out of his arms. She stood a little way from him, panting, as was he.

Apparently the pony had been so comfortable in the forge, that he did not care to leave it. He was dodging about and backing, wholly refusing to go forward, and setting at defiance a boy who was striving to lead him onwards. Mrs. Peckaby sat down and burst into tears. "Now, then," began Peckaby, as Lionel departed, "what's the reason my tea ain't ready for me."

Suddenly a child wailed and Rose had the ghastly impression that it was the child who was in the pot. Cautiously she stepped into the clearing; the dogs barked again and she ran swiftly, as silently as possible, leaping over the small hummocks of heath, dodging the brushwood and finding a certain pleasure in her own speed and in her fear that the dogs would soon be snapping at her heels.

There are some artful dodgers, whose artful dodging the oldest hand can scarcely guard against; but I'm proud to say not one of those artful dodgers has ever yet been able to get the better of me. Perhaps my time is to come, and I shall be bamboozled in my old age."

Edward, at least, enjoyed the prospect extremely, especially when he could get the bonnet rightly focused. This was a matter somewhat difficult of achievement, as its owner had to his mind a heedless habit of dodging, and his remarks, instead of being didactic and improving in their nature, were necessarily exclamatory and interrogative, in order to gain the attention of his fair vis-a-vis.