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"When I withdrew my hand it was covered with blood. It was too dark to see the color, but I knew from the sticky feeling of it just what it was. "'My God! man, I cried; 'you are hurt, your shirt's all bloody. Come back here until I can see what's the matter. "'No, "Doc" no! I tell you. It's stopped bleeding now. It would be tough for you if they pinched me here.

It was only for a moment. The hysteria passed and left the big man shaking like a dead leaf. "Doc," he said, "I can't stand it no longer. I'm going out and try to get him back here. And God forgive me for it." He left the room, slamming the door behind him, and then he stamped down the hall as if he were trying to make a companion out of his noise.

"Doc, couldn't you do a better job if you had the man in Paloma under your own eyes tonight?" Tom questioned. "Yes; undoubtedly." "Can you take him?" "Yes." "Then do so. Give him all the attention he needs. Make out your bill to the A. G. & N. M. Hand it to me, and I'll O.K. it and send it in to headquarters for payment.

"After this yere utterance, which is well received, we forms the procession. Doc Peets, with two buglers from the Fort, takes the lead, with Jack an' his box in one of the stage coaches comin' next. Enright, Tutt, Boggs, Short Creek Dave, Texas Thompson, an' me, bein' the six pallbearers, is on hosses next in line; an' Jack Moore commandin' of the rest of the outfit, lines out permiscus.

When he said that we would have to get the vote of Doc Bliven, who was a member of the Board of Supervisors, I began to take notice. "Bliven always seemed to like you," said Roebuck. "We all kind of wish you'd see what you can do for us with him."

For it's a jail offense to run away from a subpoena, my pa says so, and we are witnesses, and will have to stick." "Well, then," says Mitch, "if we do, and the whole month of August goes by, and school commences before we get off, we'll throw the school and go anyway. My mind is made up. Dern it, I never dreamed of gettin' tangled in the law for a little thing like seein' Doc Lyon in jail.

Doc decided as he packed his notes into a small bag and put it beside his bundle of personal belongings. He glanced around the room for the last time, and managed a grin at Jake's gloomy expression. "Maybe I can bluff them, or maybe they'll string along for a while," he said.

"Tutt an' Boggs have got their brands onto mebby two drinks, when over comes Doc Peets, lookin' deadly dignified an' severe, an' says: "'Who-all represents yere for this gent who's out for the blood of my friend, Texas Thompson?

Oh, doc, if you could of seen her as I've seen her in the old days " "When the man was with her?" cut in the doctor. Buck Daniels caught his breath. "Damn your eternal soul, doc!" he said softly. And for a time neither of them spoke. Whatever went on in the mind of Daniels, it was something that contorted his face.

He oughter be lifted up an' given a chance to make good." Doc Taylor shook his head dubiously. He realized that Harley P.'s plan was best, and in his innermost soul he commended it as a proper Christian course.