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It's de first time I stole anything, and it's the last, too, and I wouldn't have Uncle Doc or Aunt Betty know it for de world." "You can make sure they shall never hear of it," returned Richard, as, after more urging, he took the coin. "I can understand how desperate you felt that morning we met at the newspaper office, and we'll let the whole matter drop." "Thank you, sir."

I can feel life jest makin' its last few jumps in me like the flame up the chimney. But listen to me " he reached out a long, large knuckled, claw-like hand and drew the doctor down over him, and his eyes were earnest "I got to live till I see 'em standin' here beside me, hand in hand, doc!" The doctor, even by that dim light, had changed colour. He passed his hand slowly across his forehead.

The flood tide having made, we arrived home by evening. It was so named from a group of Walloons who settled there at an early date. Two depositions by her of 1685 and 1688, printed in Doc. Hist. After three years at Fort Orange and twenty-two at New Amsterdam, she and her husband settled at the Walebocht. In the second deposition she speaks of herself as born in Paris, not Valenciennes.

"They told me they'd done all they could, not to bring her back. That's why she was so strong on getting Doc." "I don't like it," Jake said flatly. "It stinks. They always charge. George, did they suggest she get in touch with Doc here?" "Maybe they did, maybe not. Harriet did all the talking with them. I just do what she tells me, and she said to get Doc." Jake swore. "It smells like a trap.

A few weeks later Doc had assembled a strong gang about him, rendezvoused on the Piney, a tributary of the lower Niobrara. There he was far east of Lykins's bailiwick, but a good many degrees within Lykins's disposition to quit his trail. One morning Llewellyn and Hassard started up the creek, mounted, on a scout, leaving Lykins and his horse hidden in the brush near the trail.

"But none of us ever manufactured dynamite," answered Boston, with a grin. "How long did they have you in Moro Castle, Doc?" "Eight months," snapped the doctor, his face clouding. "Eight months in that rathole, with the loss of my property and practice all for devotion to science. I was on the brink of the most important and beneficent discovery in explosives the world ever dreamed of.

"I want to take that feller with us; I'll never budge 'thout him, you kin bet your bottom dollar on that." "He's bad hurt 'bout ter die; don't be a fool!" "Huh! Doc Lash sent me word he was safe. I didn't hurt 'im; but he did me; he damaged my feelings, and I want to pay 'im fer it. Are you fellers goin' back on me?"

Bonner, aided by a fluttering, murmuring Louise, attended her with sympathetic ministrations; and again while she was being taken home by Mr. Bonner in the Bonner surrey she had never dreamed a surrey could bump and lurch and jostle so. But people seldom die of measles; and that was what young Doc Alison, next morning, diagnosed her malady.

"What good is a letter when the fellow who sent it is already home?" Doc Carson asked. "What use is a leave of absence that expired two or three years ago?" Connie Bennett added. "If that fellow's away yet, he's overstaying his leave, that's sure," said Roy. "What good is a Sunday dinner that somebody ate a couple of years ago?" Doc queried.

"As Doc Peets comes out a-leadin' of Texas, it's noticed that Texas has got a tin cup. "'Whatever's your gent a-packin' of that yootensil for? demands Tutt, mighty truculent. 'Is this yere to be a combat with dippers? "'Oh, no! says Peets, like he's tryin' to excuse somethin', 'but he insists on fetchin' it so hard, that at last to soothe him I gives my consent.