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In a word, she divorced herself and resumed possession of her dowry, and considered herself at liberty to dispose of both her person and her property anew. Demetrius accepted the offer which was made him. He went to Corcyra, married Lanassa, and then, leaving a garrison to protect the island from any attempt which Pyrrhus might make to recover it, he went back to Macedon.

I eloped with him from Kingstown in Jamaica, and George divorced me. I afterwards married the Prince." "Then the man at the Priory is your first husband?" "No!" cried she vigorously. "He is not George Franklin." "He calls himself so," muttered Ware, quite puzzled. "Only to keep hold of the money left by Mr. Powell," explained the Princess.

In the same way, Josephine, in spite of her occasionally frivolous conduct, has retained her popularity, because she was tender, kind, and devoted, even after she was divorced; while Marie Louise has been criticised, because after loving, or saying that she loved, the mighty Emperor, she deserted him when he was a prisoner.

He cocked his head to one side and eyed his employer, fingering a wisp of black silk on his upper lip. "And the other?" The second volume was spread open upon the desk. Clerk Pelman flung himself upon it with savage fury. "Bowen, Chauncey, son William Bowen, born 1872 um um married Louise Hill 92 um divorced '96; married Laura Wing '96 see Lottie Hall.

But it was ridiculous to compare him with the stalwart figure sitting across the table, who had spoken the language of materialism without illusion. Westerling's ambition on edge communicated itself to the premier, whose soft hands, long since divorced from any labor except official hand-shaking and the exercise of authority, were bending the paper-knife with unconscious vigor.

But I think they are both dead or divorced, or that they have come to grief in some way. 'And is Mrs Askerton like the fast-going lady? 'In a certain way. Not that I remember what the fast-going lady was like; but there was something about this woman that put me in mind of the other. Vigo was her name; now I recollect it a Miss Vigo.

This intense form of individualism is nowhere so well exhibited as in the story of piratical enterprise, where a band of men, outside of the law and divorced from all human kind by the atrocity of their deeds, has had to be welded into one homogeneous mass for the purpose of preying upon the world at large.

The modern German conception seems to the French theatrical, divorced from reality, and hence fundamentally weak. Either critic may be right or either wrong. Our interest is to follow the particular schemes developing from that tone of mind.

"At length, one morning, I sent for the papers, and began to look them over, and I found merciful Heaven! what I feared to find the full report of our divorce trial! found myself held up to public scorn and execration, the reproach of my own sex the contempt of yours! Found myself, in short, convicted and divorced from you, upon the foulest charge that can be brought upon a woman!

When a Hindu marries, all the children previously born from his wife become his own; in Pakpatan, even when a woman has forsaken her husband for ten years, the children she brings forth are divided between her and her lover. Similarly in Madagascar, when a woman is divorced, any children she afterwards bears belong to her husband.