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Fish leaped high out of their native element into the air, as if they wished to catch the gulls, while the gulls, seemingly smitten with a similar desire, dived into the water as if they wished to catch the fish.

But, as he came within bow shot, Kenric and his archers were ready. Kenric took careful aim and bent his bow as he had never bent it before. Swiftly the arrow sped with whizzing noise, and it curved in its flight, dropping lower and lower until it dived deep into the bare throat of the Earl of Colonsay.

Right in that pile," he said. "One thousand dollars." "One thousand dollars. An' some of it gold. New-lookin', ain't it, Mark? Let me have the feel of one of them twenties." King tossed it; it fell upon the bedding, and Honeycutt's fingers dived after it and held it tight. He began rubbing it, caressing it. King went on counting. "One more thousand in this pile," he said.

The conversation, on the other hand, never reached a quarrel, and the two men left the place together apparently on ordinary terms of friendliness. Peter Ruff at once quitted his seat and crossed the room toward the spot where they had been sitting. He dived under the table and picked up a newspaper it was the only clue left to him as to the nature of their conversation.

Surprised, stricken, terrified by the war-whoops of the maddened Illini, realizing only that they were caught between enemies, their one and only thought was escape. Two of their chiefs were down, and the white renegade, stumbling and falling as though also hurt, dived into the underbrush. Before they could rally, or even comprehend what had occurred, their assailants were upon them.

This is how Captain König speaks of his escape. We knew that the most dangerous moment of our entire voyage was now approaching. We once more marked our exact position, and then proceeded to make all the preparations necessary for our breaking through. Then we dived and drove forward.

"Nice, nice man, vewy nice! Floss s'an't have it, he s'ant Floss a geedy boy. He dived it me for meself. Oh, an' yes!" With a sudden remembrance of something less absorbing than the ball, she held up the paper a mere folded scrap. Alexia seized it eagerly, held it fast in her hands, asked almost inaudibly: "Who gave it to you, child?" "Him did. You droppened it.

He could feel the darkness now, and he advanced a few steps to see if he could walk through it; then he sprang into the air to see if it was lighter above, and dived on his hands and knees to see if he could slip under it, and shouted and whooped to see if he could drive it away.

"Now we can tell 'er you dived in off the quay and got me just as I was sinking for the last time. You'll be a hero." The mate's remarks about heroes were mercifully cut short. He was three stone lighter than Mr. Heard, and standing on shelving ground. The lat-ter's victory was so sudden that he over-balanced, and only a commotion at the surface of the water showed where they had disappeared. Mr.

Petronella was a little timid of the experiment lest harm should befall her brother, and persuaded him at last to tie the rope about him ere he dived, so that in the event of his striking his head, or in any other way hurting himself, she would have power to pull him up and out, even if he should have lost consciousness.