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He replied by the term invariably used by the Spaniards when they see doubt or distrust exhibited. "No tenga usted cuidao," I will go myself. Having thus arranged the matter perfectly satisfactorily, as I thought, I partook of a slight supper, and shortly afterwards retired to repose.

Such cogent reasons existed for silence on his part that if he did slightly distrust her, hold her a little cheap, he would hardly venture to say as much, least of all to Damaris. Venture or condescend? Again Mrs. Frayling left the term in doubt and went forward with her schemes, which did, unquestionably just now, add a pleasing zest to life.

He looked at Archie with an expression of distrust and hostility. "And I'll tell you straight out I don't like the looks of you. I believe you're a pal of his." "No longer," said Archie, firmly.

One must learn, it seemed, to distrust those lightning-strokes of prejudice that flash but once at the first contact between human clouds. Yet in the last year there had come another wonder that excited a suspicion whose troubling-power was absurdly out of all true proportion. It was in the matter of seeing things that is, funny things.

If there is any service that I can do for you " She drew nearer to him, and put her hand gently on his shoulder. "Don't think that I distrust you," she said very earnestly; "I am unwilling to shock you that is all. Even this great joy has a dark side to it; my miserable married life casts its shadow on everything that happens to me.

"My name is Carson Blowitz, and though it sounds foreign I was born in this country. I travel around so much I can't give you any particular place as my residence." There was no way without being rude of avoiding shaking hands with the man, and, though there was something in his manner that caused the boys to feel a distrust of him, they were not going to be impolite on mere suspicion.

In young converts, hope and distrust, or a degree of despair, do work and answer one another as doth the noise of the balance of the watch in the pocket. Life and death is always the motion of the mind then; and this noise continues until faith is stronger grown, and until the soul is better acquainted with the methods and ways of God with a sinner.

The forests were emptied of outlaws, and confidence and security succeeded distrust and lawlessness.... The frank pledge-system, which was worked in country districts, was supplied in towns by the machinery of the guilds, institutions combining the benefit of modern clubs, insurance societies, and trades-unions. As a rule, they were limited to members of one trade or calling." Mr.

Indeed, she only hazily knew what distrust meant, and hadn't any real belief that "such things" actually existed.

Kempf has observed that the affective reactions of the individual are largely conditioned by the unconscious attitudes of parents, friends, enemies and teachers. For instance, one boy is conditioned to distrust his ability and another to have confidence in his powers by the attitude of the parents.