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"Polly," said her sister Helen, "you've come at last. Where were you hiding? oh, poor Polly!" "Where's mother?" said Polly. "I want her let me go to her let me go to her at once, Nell." "Oh, Polly " Helen's sobs came now, loud, deep, and distressful. There was a new baby but no mother for Polly any more. Dr.

I know thy steadiness in battle, which is even like unto that of Kesava or Indra himself. But reflecting on this, I am continually bewildered. Foolish as I am, I am incapable of arriving at certain conclusion. By what distressful circumstances could a person of such handsome limbs and auspicious signs become deprived of manhood!

To this period belong the distressful Afghan and Zulu wars, the latter unhappily memorable by the tragic fate that befell the young son of Louis Napoleon, a volunteer serving with the English army.

After all, your world must be as full as ours was of the wreckage and decay of previous attempts; churches, aristocracies, orders, cults...." "Only at present we seem to have lost heart altogether, and now there are no new religions, no new orders, no new cults no beginnings any more." "But that's only a resting phase, perhaps. You were saying " "Oh! let that distressful planet alone for a time!

The young physician beat his arms together, like a laborer in the winter when his hands are frozen, and exclaimed with distressful emotion: "Yes, I have spoken, and I cannot regret having done so; but what I foresaw has come to pass: The greatest happiness that ever sweetened my daily life is gone out of it!

The fare, however, is not up to the standard of the "Garibaldi" inn at Frosinone which I have just left. Now Frosinone is no tourist resort. It is rather a dull little place; I am never likely to go there again, and have therefore no reason for keeping to myself its "Garibaldi" hotel which leaves little to be desired, even under these distressful war-conditions.

His head dropped forward on the foot of the bed, and he sank into a heavy, distressful slumber. He was dreaming of Adriance's concert in Paris, and of Adriance, the troubadour, smiling and debonair, with his boyish face and the touch of silver gray in his hair.

For the first half-hour he was troubled by a distressful faintness; and when that passed off, as the air grew clearer, his back and arms commenced to ache unpleasantly. He already had toiled since soon after sunrise; but Weston, too, had done so, and he, at least, seemed impervious to fatigue.

For example, the body of man may be able to withstand the ordeal of imprisonment for ten or fifteen years under temperate conditions of climate and restful physical routine. During our imprisonment in Akká means of comfort were lacking, troubles and persecutions of all kinds surrounded us, yet notwithstanding such distressful conditions, we were able to endure these trials for forty years.

Only, behind all that lust of power, that continuous onslaught of ambition, what a distressful prey was stirring the whole people with all its poverty and its sufferings! Pierre noticed that Massot, "little Massot," as he was generally called, had just seated himself on the bench beside him.