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I began to push Chartersea with all my might, and the wonder of it was that we did not fight with our fingers on each other's necks. His attacks, too, redoubled. Twice I felt the stings of his point, once in the hand, and once in the body, but I minded them as little as pinpricks. I was sure I had touched him, too. I heard him blowing distressedly.

Your heart must have almost broken, dear. I was fearful lest you might have pined away and died because of my untimely loss." "Oh, Gerelda!" he cried, starting up distressedly, tears choking his voice, "do not say any more; you are unmanning me with every word you utter. I I can not bear it!" "Forgive me, my darling!" she muttered. "You are right. It is best not to probe fresh wounds. But, oh!

But one hot morning in the latter part of August, the August days were hotter before the cypress forest was cut down between the city and the lake than they are now, as Doctor Keene stood in the middle of his room breathing distressedly after a sad fit of coughing, and looking toward one of his windows whose closed sash he longed to see opened, Honoré knocked at the door.

Occasionally this occupation so absorbed him that when she moved to her small corner behind the counter, vaguely oppressed by his surveillance, he sauntered across the room and took his seat upon the counter itself, persisting in his mild, furtive gaze, until it became too much for her and she sought refuge at Tom's knee. "He looks at me," she burst out distressedly on one such day.

"We ought to get a girl in to help you," Billy said, distressedly, on a night when Susan, flushed and excited, refused his help everywhere, and attempted to manage baby and dinner and house unassisted. "We ought to get clothes and china and linen and furniture, we ought to move out of this house and this block!" Susan wanted to say.

She paused, staring down at the table, one hand supporting her forehead, the other wandering idly among the breakfast things. Her look was sombre and far away. Alix, standing, watched her distressedly, through a long minute of silence. "Well!" Cherry said lifelessly, looking up at her sister with dulled eyes. "What now? It's still 'for better or worse, I suppose?"

"But, before I thought," she pursued distressedly, "I said yes, I thought so too, I don't know just what words I used, but no more than that! Chrissy asked her aunt if it would hurt, and she said, 'No, no, dear! and I began reading. And now, here's this note from Mrs.

It was ridiculous to give away money in such a fashion, but he had a feeling that if he knew its destination he should give it with more reluctance. "But I must tell you, please. I wanted to tell you before, but " Her eyes avoided his face and wandered distressedly round the room. How well she remembered it! It was here she had come to beg this man this stranger! to keep her father out of prison.

And I'll raise your wages. What do you say? Is it fixed?" "I'm here, sir, to do anything you require," Pearson answered distressedly; "but I'm afraid " Tembarom's face changed. A sudden thought had struck him. "I'll tell you one thing you can do," he said; "you can valet that friend of mine." "Mr. Strangeways, sir?" "Yes. I've got a notion he wouldn't mind it." He was not joking now.

Wallace moved his eyes heavily to look at her. His face was flushed, and as he spoke he wet his lips with his tongue. "Whatever you say, darling," he said earnestly. "You have only to ask, and I will give you anything in my power. Let me know what you wish " "I want you not to drink any more," Martie said distressedly. "Why not, Martie why not, li'l girl?" Wallace asked her caressingly.