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What a flame will it rekindle in the lamp, to snatch a blushing grape from the Hermitage and Cote roti, as I shoot by the foot of them! and what a fresh spring in the blood! to behold upon the banks advancing and retiring, the castles of romance, whence courteous knights have whilome rescued the distress'd and see vertiginous, the rocks, the mountains, the cataracts, and all the hurry which Nature is in with all her great works about her.

If any of you by sickness be distress'd, Let him the elders of the church request That they would come and pray for him a while; Anointing him in the Lord's name with oil; So shall the pray'r that is of faith restore The sick, and God shall raise him as before. And all th' offences which he hath committed Shall be forgiv'n, and he shall be acquitted.

And now the people having spent their store, And famine still increasing more and more, Egypt and Canaan too, for want of bread, Were sore distress'd and almost famished. And Joseph took the money they did bring To buy their corn, and kept it for the king. Wherefore the people came to represent Their case to him, both corn and coin being spent.

'But let me plead for liberty distress'd, And warm for her each sympathetic breast; Amidst the splendid honours which you bear, To save a sister island be your care; With generous ardour make us also free, And give to Corsica a noble Jubilee. Colman and Foote, of course, as comedians were there, but Goldsmith and Johnson shewed their sense by their absence.

While we were thus ingag'd a storm arose; now thick clouds, and th' inrag'd flood eclypst the day, the seamen fly to their posts as fast as fear cou'd make 'em; and, pulling down the sails, leave the vessel to the mercy of the tempest; for the uncertain winds made them hopeless of any direct course; nor did the pilot know which way to steer; sometimes the unguided ship was forc'd on the coast of Sicily, often by contrary winds 'twas tost near Italy; and what was more dangerous than all, on a sudden the gathering clouds spread such horrid darkness all around, that the pilot cou'd not see over the fore-castle; upon which all despair'd of safety; when Lycas threw himself before me, and lifting up his trembling hands, "I beseech you Encolpius," began he, "assist the distress'd, that is restore the sacred vest and timbrel you took from the image of the goddess Isis; be merciful as you are wont. At what time a whirlwind snatcht him up, and threw him howling midst the flood, and soon a spiteful wave just shew'd him us, and drew him back again.

To mention a tenth of them would take too much space, but a few typical entries are worth quoting: "By Cash gave a Soldiers wife 5/;" "To a crippled man 5/;" "Gave a man who had his House Burnt £1.;" "By a begging woman /5;" "By Cash gave for the Sufferers at Boston by fire £12;" "By a wounded soldier 10/;" "Alexandria Academy, support of a teacher of Orphan children £50;" "By Charity to an invalid wounded Soldier who came from Redston with a petition for Charity 18/;" "Gave a poor man by the President's order $2;" "Delivd to the President to send to two distress'd french women at Newcastle $25;" "Gave Pothe a poor old man by the President's order $2;" "Gave a poor sailor by the Presdt order $1;" "Gave a poor blind man by the Presdt order $1.50;" "By Madame de Seguer a french Lady in distress gave her $50;" "By Subscription paid to Mr.

"In this wild world the fondest and the best Are the most tried, most troubled, and distress'd." It was about a week after this that Elsie's grandfather handed her a letter directed to her in her father's handwriting, and the little girl rushed away to her room with it, her heart beating wildly between hope and fear.

Mázinderán thy conquering prowess knew; The Demon-king thy trenchant falchion slew, The rolling heavens, abash'd with fear, behold Thy biting sword, thy mace adorned with gold! Fly to the succour of a King distress'd, Proud of thy love, with thy protection blest. When o'er the nation dread misfortunes lower, Thou art the refuge, thou the saving power.