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He did not expect that one of such wretched aspect, with what seemed to be a hunk of bread distending his old ragged jacket, would enter and seat himself at one of the cafe's little tables amidst the warm gaiety of the lamps. However, he waited for a moment, and then saw him wander away with slow and broken steps as if the cafe, which was nearly empty, did not suit him.

When Tommy learned that "distending" meant that his stomach was being stretched, he was delighted. "Gimme some more, Allie," he begged his sister. "Please do, Allie dear. I want to stwetch my 'tomach. It's never been big 'nough to hold all I want to eat." The interest of Laura and her close friends in the strange man with the broken leg did not lag.

In some cases the body will rupture if it is interfered with ever so little; in others, the particles admit of a certain displacement, and if the limits are not transgressed, they return to their original position when the compressing or distending cause is removed. This rallying power in the cohesive force is called Elasticity, and it exists in no small degree in glass.

She flipped through the stiff, distending pages -Mammals of the Pleistocene. She stopped at a pair of saber-toothed cats, lurking hungrily near a tar-pit. 'What about these? Have you seen them? 'Yes, but it is not a good likeness. Her mind raced so that she hardly heard him. Was it possible? Had life reverted to its primitive, violent stages before Man, evolution in reverse?

About a quarter of a century ago I recommended in print that all horses should have water by them in the stall: it is now so universally the practice, that I need not here repeat the reasons for it. I have not heard of any horse drinking till he burst, though all grooms assured me that all stabled horses would do so. It is distending food, not drink, which forms the large carcase.

Johnny gazed at the kittens, fast distending with the new milk, and felt presumably much as dear Robin Hood may have felt after one of his successful raids in the fair, poetic past. "Pretty, ain't they?" said Maria. "They have drank up a whole saucer of milk. 'Most starved. I s'pose."

Corpo del diavolo is it possible!" cried the commandant, panting for breath, as he seized his long sword with both hands and clenched it with fury. "What, then, I have been deceived, cajoled, laughed at!" Then, after a pause the veins of his forehead distending so as almost to burst he continued, with a suppressed voice, "Most noble sir, I thank you; but now it is my turn. What, ho! there!

Next, distending his ruddy cheeks, twitching his moustache, and regarding me covertly out of boylike eyes, the Lieutenant resumed: "Probably you are thinking, 'The man with whom I have to deal is old and half-witted. But no, young fellow; that is not so, for long before YOUR time had I taken the measure of life. Regard these memorials. ARE they memorials?

He oftentimes therefore eats as much as he can stuff into his body when he is blessed with plenty, so as to be the better able to withstand the attacks of hunger that may possibly be in store for him. The amount that an Indian will thus eat at a single meal is incredible. He seems to have the power of distending himself for the reception of a quantity that would kill a civilized man.

Words were no good, she thought, as she set her little teeth and glared at an absent management, a management just about now presumably distending itself with a luxurious dinner at one of the big hotels. Deeds were what she demanded. All her life she had been a girl of impulsive action, and she wanted to act impulsively now.