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But in that moment, while she stood staring down at the flushed young face with its tumbled dark hair and deep-cut lines of dissipation, the man who had sung to her over the piano, looking love into her eyes, died to her, and Jane, cold and steady, sat down on the side of the bed and fed the eggnog, spoonful by spoonful, to his corpse!

As he entered the gate of the Gardens, the centre at that time of the dissipation and revelry of London, he turned up the collar of his driving-cape and drew his hat over his eyes, for he had no desire to be personally associated with what might well prove to be a public scandal.

Joe had promised fairly, but had betrayed the doctor at once, and had become the worst instrument of his master's dissipation. When, therefore, his hat and the cockade were seen, as the carriage dashed up to the door, the doctor's contentment was by no means increased. Sir Louis was now twenty-three years old, and was a great deal too knowing to allow himself to be kept under the doctor's thumb.

Perhaps there is some excuse for a young man's endeavour to forget himself in folly or even in dissipation when his secret thoughts are so despairing as these. It was soon after this melancholy moment that the arrival of Jeanne took place.

Some men were fairly worn out with dissipation and the resulting ennui, and could get no relief even in a country villa. Lucretius has drawn a wonderful picture of such an unfortunate, who hurries from Rome into the country, and finding himself bored there almost as soon as he arrives, orders out his carriage to return to the city.

"'Wherever I go, this picture shall always be my companion. It hangs in my closet. My dear friends, added she, with a look of infinite sweetness, 'whenever I am tempted to contract a debt, or to give in to any act of vanity or dissipation which may lead to debt, if after having looked on this picture I can pursue the project, renounce me, cast me off forever!

He invented details of his experience among them, and March could not always help joining in the laugh at Conrad's humorless helplessness under Fulkerson's burlesque denunciation of a summer outing spent in such dissipation.

He no longer gave ample details of his student-life he no longer wrote in his accustomed good spirits. His letters seemed stiff and constrained. "I am afraid he is studying too much," said the mother. "I daresay the rascal is wasting his time in dissipation," suggested the father.

Thorp's place was a great resort for Bethel and Danbury hatters and combmakers. At this time Barnum formed his first taste for the theatre. He went to the play regularly and soon set up for a critic. It was his one dissipation, however.

The instant I entered, your figure rose up before me, and the remembrance! O my Charlotte, the sacred, tender remembrance! Gracious Heaven! restore to me the happy moment of our first acquaintance. Could you but see me, my dear Charlotte, in the whirl of dissipation, how my senses are dried up, but my heart is at no time full. I enjoy no single moment of happiness: all is vain nothing touches me.