United States or El Salvador ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"So that woman was listening," thought M. de Tregars, anxious and dissatisfied. But it was in vain that he begged Mme. Zelie to return, and to hear a single word more. She disappeared; and he had to resign himself to leave the house without learning any thing more for the present.

The band under Captain Jack were merely renegades who, dissatisfied with their new home, left the reservation and went back to Lost river and Tule Lake. Jack himself was wanted for murder, and sought an asylum in the lava beds, or the country adjacent thereto, where he gathered around him renegades from other tribes renegades outlawed by Indians and whites alike.

Here many of them set out on foraging excursions, the knights laid aside their armour, and the army prepared for sleep. Archie Forbes was much dissatisfied at the manner in which Bruce had hazarded all the fortunes of Scotland on a pitched battle, thereby throwing away the great advantage which their superior mobility and knowledge of the country gave to the Scots.

"Perhaps broken-hearted," suggested Orpin. "Perhaps. Anyhow it is said his followers are dissatisfied with him for some reason or other. He does not lead them so well as he was wont to." While the white men were thus variously engaged in jesting over their discomforts, or holding more serious converse, their sable enemies were preparing for them a warm reception in the neighbouring pass.

Filled with pious impulses more than dissatisfied with the world, of which he knew nothing, with a brother, he left his father's house when yet a youth and betook himself to a great woods in the region Radenego; there he dwelt among savage beasts and wild men, fasting and praying and dependent like Elijah of old. His life became a notoriety. Others drew to him.

And the eyelashes and the complexion! It makes us dissatisfied with ourselves." "The Lord knew what kind of books would be written when he said that man looketh on the out ward appearance " "But don't Christian writers ever do it?" "Christian writers fall into worldly ways. There are lovely girls and lovely women in the world; we meet them every day.

George thought he could see that she, or Maxwell speaking through her, was dissatisfied with Dowson's conduct of the Bill in the House, and chafing under the constitutional practice that made it necessary to give him so large a share in the matter. But she said nothing ungenerous; nor was there any bitterness towards the many false friends who had deserted them that night in the division-lobby.

In addition to this and other demands of strict right on that nation, the United States have much reason to be dissatisfied with the rigorous and unexpected restrictions to which their trade with the French dominions has been subjected, and which, if not discontinued, will require at least corresponding restrictions on importations from France into the United States.

You are always the mischief-maker!" Grim laughter. Several sailors surround Khorre as Haggart watches them sternly. A dissatisfied voice says: "There is no place where to hang him here. There isn't a single tree around." "Let us wait till we get aboard ship! Let him die honestly on the mast." "I know of a tree around here, but I won't tell you," roars Khorre hoarsely. "Look for it yourself!

As a receipt, he received a piece of paper on which was written the formula of forgiveness for some trifling sins. When he had read the paper, he returned it to the clerk, and burst out, "I don't buy forgiveness of sins, but I gladly pay the entrance fee." He entered the site, but now noticed the dark-eyed Augustinian monk following him. "Are you dissatisfied, brother?" said the latter.